I see a few multi-gen dice games and I really love them, so I thought I’d give it a go! Like the majority of these games, I’m going to attempt to make 10 rounds (covering 100 years). Similarly, since I prefer rules for names over namebanks, this game will feature name rules/guidelines. For this game, you will need a D6, a D10, and a coin. Find them HERE.
Year 0
Ages of parents (roll a D6 for each):
1: 24
2: 25
3: 26
4: 27
5: 28
6: 29
Women aged 24-44 can have new children.
Number of children:
1: 2
2: 1
3: 2
4: 3
5: 2
6: 1
Ages of children:
1: 4
2: 2
3: infant
4: 5
5: 3
6: 1
Flip a coin for the gender of each child:
Heads - girl
Tails - boy
Roll a D10 for the name rules (roll once for the first name, then roll again for the middle name):
1: name has a royal connection
2: name is a videogame character’s name
3: name is one of your top names
4: name is a place name from a country randomly generated by this generator.
5: name contains the letters “go”
6: name must begin with a letter randomly generated by this generator.
7: name is a nature name (flip a coin: HEADS = a botanical name, TAILS = not a botanical name)
8: name appears in the title of a song or piece of music
9: name is a brand name
10: Roll a D12. The name must contain that many letters.
Roll a D6 for the last name rules:
1: last name of a musician
2: a word that could describe a garden
3: an occupation name
4: a colour
5: begins with the same letter as your username
6: last name of one of your childhood friends