Ginnie long form

I’m just curious what long forms of [name_f]Ginnie[/name_f] you are able to come up with.

I’ve considered [name_f]Ginevra[/name_f], Georgina/Georgiana, [name_f]Imogen[/name_f], [name_u]Juniper[/name_u], [name_f]Evgenia[/name_f], but at the moment I don’t think they’re quite what I’m looking for.

I’m personally not a fan of [name_f]Virginia[/name_f], [name_f]Eugenia[/name_f] or [name_f]Ginger[/name_f] as options.

[name_f]Do[/name_f] you feel [name_f]Ginnie[/name_f] needs a long form? What are your thoughts on these options…and do you have any better suggestions?

Thanks :slight_smile:

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You’ve considered a lot of options already!

Otherwise maybe…
[name_f]Giana[/name_f] / [name_f]Gianna[/name_f]
[name_f]Jeannette[/name_f] / [name_f]Ginette[/name_f]

And I don’t think [name_f]Ginnie[/name_f] needs a long form if you don’t want one! It can totally stand alone.

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I don’t think [name_f]Ginnie[/name_f] necessarily needs a long form, but here are some options you maybe haven’t considered!! Some are stretchier than others :slight_smile: I like [name_f]Ginnie[/name_f] a lot!! I think she’s very sweet and fun and underused


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[name_f]My[/name_f] favourite is [name_f]Guinevere[/name_f], which is another variant of [name_f]Ginevra[/name_f].


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[name_f]Virginia[/name_f] and [name_f]Ginger[/name_f] are my faves! However, if they’re not your cup of tea, maybe…
[name_f]Imogene[/name_f] (ih-muh-jeen)

I definitely don’t think [name_f]Ginny[/name_f] needs a long form. It works just as well on its own! Especially if you aren’t a fan of the more traditional long forms, there’s no need to pick one to use and stretch the nickname to make it work.

I don’t feel [name_f]Ginnie[/name_f] needs a log form necessarily but if it were me I’d want one for versatility for the child. [name_f]My[/name_f] choice would be the beautiful [name_f]Ginevra[/name_f] which is also, imo, the one that gives [name_f]Ginnie[/name_f] most intuitively, perhaps along with [name_f]Virginia[/name_f] but I personally don’t feel that’s usable for obvious reasons. I don’t feel I can offer any more in terms of options, you have them all covered. All I’ll say is I love [name_f]Ginevra[/name_f], it’s feminine yet spunky and strong, familiar yet uncommon, mystical yet grounded.


I think [name_f]Ginnie[/name_f] could stand alone - I’ve met enough Bonnies and Winnies and Millies that it doesn’t sound out of place :slight_smile:

[name_f]Ginevra[/name_f] is my favourite long form (elegant but strong, distinctive but familiar; it’s also the name of one of my fave characters - [name_f]Ginevra[/name_f] Fanshawe)
Georgiana/Georgina are both regal and sophisticated and [name_f]Imogen[/name_f] is friendly, literary and strong.

I like [name_u]Juniper[/name_u] but the other nicknames feel more intuitive, [name_f]Evgenia[/name_f] is new to me and I need to think on it.

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Thank you!! I know I’ve considered a lot that’s part of my problem :laughing: I’ve considered so many but not found one that leaves me feeling satisfied if that makes sense.

I do like [name_f]Gianna[/name_f] and [name_f]Jeanette[/name_f] as names but unfortunately they are variations of my own name so not usable. [name_f]Ginette[/name_f] comes from a different etymology, so I think that may be one to mull on.

And I do like [name_f]Geneviève[/name_f] but it really annoys me when names from one culture are claimed by another and mispronounced…e.g. [name_f]Elowen[/name_f]. Which is what happens with the [name_f]English[/name_f] compared to [name_u]French[/name_u] versions of this name. So since learning the original [name_u]French[/name_u] pronunciation I’ve had mixed feelings about [name_f]Genevieve[/name_f]

Not a fan of [name_f]Geraldine[/name_f] it’s still too dated and connected to cows for me.

[name_f]Regina[/name_f] I also feel is too mean girls, but also once upon a time evil [name_f]Queen[/name_f].


Thank you so much!!

I do like [name_f]Guinevere[/name_f] but for me I feel [name_f]Ginnie[/name_f] is too stretchy here…Gwen would be my go to.

I love [name_f]Georgia[/name_f] but please explain how you get to [name_f]Ginnie[/name_f] from this :laughing:

EVANGELINE ‘Ginnie’ oh my goodness thank you so much…this is the kind of breakthrough [name_f]Ginnie[/name_f] moment I was looking for. I cannot believe I hadn’t considered this!!! This may very easily be the one so thank you!!!


I do like [name_f]Ginger[/name_f] i just can’t see myself actually using it on a human. It’s very GP for me. Though I do adore the idea of a sibset/pet combo of [name_f]Ginger[/name_f] and [name_f]Nutmeg[/name_f] ‘Ginnie and Meg’

[name_f]Virginia[/name_f] I feel is 1. too dated 2. Has too much teasing potential in the modern age

[name_f]Ginia[/name_f] may be a possibility though

[name_f]Imogene[/name_f] I really strongly dislike, because it just feels like a mispronunciation of [name_f]Imogen[/name_f] to me (which is in itself a misheard form of Innogen)

Thanks so much for your thoughts :blush:

I think Ginnie can absolutely stand on its own. I know a Winnie who is just Winnie and it totally works.

As a nickname, I’ll suggest Gardenia, Gerardine, Gingia, Ginya, Gingko, Giordana, Grenadine, Imagine, Negin, Peigin, Reagin and Tegin.

I really like the idea of Giordana nn Ginnie!

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I love it on its own

I love the name [name_f]Ginnie[/name_f]! A few long-form ideas are

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