Girl Name Adelaide? Help!

My husband and I are expecting. We usually don’t see eye to eye on many baby names. However, we are both in love with the name [name]Adelaide[/name] for a little girl. The only problem is picking a first name can be really difficult because our last name is Cox. Kids will be kids and make jokes no matter what her first name is. So my question is: Does the name [name]Adelaide[/name] Cox sound ok or will she get teased for eternity? I assume she will get married one day and her last name will change… eventually. Does anyone have any middle name suggestions?

[name]Addie[/name] is a potential nickname option. [name]Ada[/name] would obviously not be a good nickname choice for her (ate-a-cox). Lordy!

I feel [name]Adelyn[/name] is too trendy with all of the Addisons, etc.

Please don’t name your child [name]Adelaide[/name] Cox. Invariably, [name]Ade[/name] will be cut off her name around age 14, and she will be mercilessly teased when the words laid and cocks are so close together. And sexual teasing is a deep cut to a girl’s self esteem. Plus, in French, laide means ugly and dirty.

I think [name]Adelaide[/name] Cox sounds fine! And if it makes you feel any better, i am a high schooler and I dont think anyone would make fun of her last name (:

[name]Adelaide[/name] is a beautiful name, no doubt, but with your last name, even I would question it. What about something like [name]Adelaine[/name] (this is a legit name, though rarely used these days, I pulled it off several census records dating back to the 1300’s), and maybe Adeliese? (add-ah-lees)

I went to school with two girls who had this last name and one of them was teased badly and the other wasn’t. The one that WAS teased was likely because she wasn’t…very classy, but still, it’s possible.

Very pretty name, I also like the name [name]Adeline[/name].

[name]One[/name] of the best things about [name]Adelaide[/name] is how many different nicknames could be used. My personal favourite Lady would be unfortunate here, but [name]Adele[/name], [name]Della[/name], [name]Adie[/name] ([name]AD[/name]) and even [name]Ella[/name] should be quite safe. If you love it, you shouldn’t be afraid to use it because high-schoolers might be clever (or stupid) enough to notice the potential for teasing.
There’s also a beautiful song by Norwegian songwriter [name]Thomas[/name] Dybdahl called [name]Adelaide[/name], you should listen to it. It’s what made me fall helplessly in love with the name… ^^ It’s about the sorrows and joys of being a late bloomer.

I’m not a fan of [name]Adelaide[/name] Cox, but what about [name]Adelynn[/name], [name]Adeline[/name], [name]Adaline[/name], or [name]Addisyn[/name]? :slight_smile:

I think [name]Adelaide[/name] Cox is fine :slight_smile: I went to school with a [name]Tom[/name] [name]Jones[/name] (like the Welsh singer ;)) a girl with the surname Cockburn and a [name]Chris[/name] Cox. None of them were teased to my knowledge.

I love [name]Adelaide[/name]. I wouldn’t worry about [name]Adelaide[/name] Cox. [name]Just[/name] dont nickname her. Make sure she stays [name]Adelaide[/name]. I also like [name]Adeline[/name].

I think [name]Adelaide[/name] Cox is beautiful. I personally don’t like [name]Adelyn[/name], [name]Addison[/name], [name]Adeline[/name], etc.

[name]Adelaide[/name] [name]Kate[/name]
[name]Adelaide[/name] [name]Sage[/name]
[name]Adelaide[/name] [name]Marion[/name]
[name]Adelaide[/name] [name]Quinn[/name]
[name]Adelaide[/name] [name]Reese[/name]

I really see the potential now, especially with laide in the name!

Another caution against anything with “laid.”

Also I’d strictly avoid any name ending with -a, as that quickly turns into “… a cox.”

I’m in high school and the only person I can think of who ever got teased for her name was my friend Nazi (yeah… I’m guessing her parents didn’t know what it meant… though it’s pronounced naa-zee rather than nat-zee) and you have to admit, that’s pretty bad. She’s changed the spelling now- she contemplated changing her name altogether but really likes it. But I can’t think of anyone getting teased for their first and last name combined, or getting teased about a part of their name. So I doubt you need to worry about [name]Adelaide[/name] Cox.

Anyway, if someone really wants to give you a hard time it doesn’t matter what your name is, they’d find something.

I love [name]Adelaide[/name] but don’t know one… would love to see you use it!

That’s a great suggestion. Thank you!