girl version of sawyer?

I dreamed when I was a few weeks preggo that the baby was a boy we named [name]Sawyer[/name].

However I am having a girl in [name]April[/name] and I do not like [name]Sawyer[/name] for a girl, it isn’t sweet enough for me. So far my hubby and I both like the same name from our agreed upon list, but we are unable to commit to it because it still doesn’t feel 100% right. I have suggested almost every name to him, he has nixed a lot my personal faves. Hoping that maybe there is some equivalent to [name]Sawyer[/name] that might be a good suggestion? Any ideas?

Hmmm I love the name [name]Sawyer[/name] too I’m not sure of any girls names that are all that close to [name]Sawyer[/name]… I totally get where you are coming from with your dream but if you plan on having more than 1 LO you may want to make sure you don’t want to save [name]Sawyer[/name] just in case your next LO is a boy…I guess it just depends on how close your girls name is to [name]Sawyer[/name]… Would you be heart broken if you had a boy one day and couldn’t use [name]Sawyer[/name] or is it more the significance of the dream? Like I know the Hubby and I both love [name]Everett[/name] and [name]Everly[/name] but we know we would not want both an [name]Everett[/name] and an [name]Everly[/name] so we have to pick which one we’d be the most sad to not get to use… Make sense? Anyways I wish you the best of luck in your quest I’m sure you will come up with somehing adorable :slight_smile:

I had a very vivid dream when I was pregnant with my daughter where I told someone her name was Alora. I had several people tell me I just HAD to name her that because of the dream - so I took a poll. Seems there are lots of pregnant women out there that dream about names, but not too many of them actually use them. I didn’t use Alora because I’d already chosen a name I loved, but we decided that if we have another girl we’ll use it in the middle. I’d hold onto [name]Sawyer[/name] in case there’s a boy in your future, and not worry too much about what your subconscious comes up with.

What is it about the name [name]Sawyer[/name] that you like? Is it the sound, meaning, spelling, something else? That would help with the process of coming up with girl alternatives. :slight_smile:

Well this one is definitely our last little one, so no worries about ever having another boy to name.

I guess for a boy name I like that to me it is uncommon. I don’t know anyone with that name. Didn’t grow up with any sawyers in my class, etc. But it still sounds normal to me, it is not too out there. It makes me think of an adventurous boy, yet it is manly I think it would sound good in a grown man. For a girl though I don’t want that lol. [name]Just[/name] an uncommon-ish name that is sweet and short. I like two syllable names.

You could perhaps use [name]Sawyer[/name] as her middle name, but if it’s still too masculine for you, the what about [name]Summer[/name]? It’s the closest I could think of.

I also like the name [name]Tatum[/name] - two syllables and spunky, but not yet too popular. I have seen it on a baby, high school student, and an adult. I love the meaning - “cheerful”. :slight_smile: I will try to think of more ideas…


Since [name]Sawyer[/name] is an occupation name…you could do one like

Since it often goes with “[name]Tom[/name]” (the book), how about [name]Thomasina[/name]? Or his friend, [name]Becky[/name] (or is she his cousin? [name]Rebecca[/name] is nice. If you like the “S”, then names like [name]Susannah[/name], Suleika, or [name]Sophie[/name] could do. [name]How[/name] about a sound-alike, such as “Soir”, for French for “evening”, or [name]Sasha[/name] (Russian, though it’s a nickname for [name]Alexander[/name]".

The first name that came to me was [name]Sadie[/name]. :slight_smile: Then, [name]Selena[/name]. :slight_smile: hth!

[name]Sailor[/name] is what I thought of

What about [name]Sawna[/name] or [name]Shawna[/name] that keeps that “saw” part of the name. Also [name]Sierra[/name] means saw so I think that might be a really good option :slight_smile:

I relate this name to [name]Peyton[/name], [name]Taylor[/name], [name]Tyler[/name] and [name]Paige[/name] for some reason, I don’t know if you like any of those.

What about [name]Samara[/name], [name]Scarlett[/name], [name]Sally[/name], [name]Sabine[/name]?

I love [name]Tatum[/name] or [name]Tate[/name], those make me think of Tamsen, [name]Tasmin[/name], [name]Teagan[/name] or [name]Teal[/name].

I had a dream that I named my daughter [name]Dennis[/name] (and yes, i knew she was a girl, in my dream I thought this would make a great girl name!)

[name]Sarai[/name], [name]Saskia[/name], [name]Seren[/name], or [name]Saffron[/name]? Or perhaps [name]Scout[/name]?

[name]Scout[/name], [name]Sienna[/name], [name]Skye[/name], [name]Sadie[/name] and [name]Sabine[/name] are my fave for you. Good luck!

I’m not sure if anyone mentioned this or not so sorry if this is a repeat, but what about [name]Finley[/name] as a play on [name]Huck[/name] [name]Finn[/name]? [name]Just[/name] a thought :slight_smile:

[name]Seraphina[/name] is a bit of a stretch…

[name]Hope[/name] I helped!

I went to school with a girl named [name]Sayer[/name] (pronounced with a short y sound, like the first syllable of [name]Sarah[/name]). Not sure if this is your style, but it’s definitely unique! [name]Hope[/name] this helps.

I love [name]Sawyer[/name] for a girl. [name]Just[/name] add a feminine middle and I could totally see it