Guardian Angel

I need to name a guardian angel. I would prefer the name to be unisex but if not then a female’s. The human form of the angel is a female with red hair, plue eyes and pale skin. In angel form it is quite hideous has four wings, four faces and is a metallic colour. The wings themselves are a fiery red colour and protect her. The angel is very protective over its human and is incredibly loyal. The angel hates to break rules and is always serious. It has actually met its human it was assigned to protect and it saved its life and now helps him out.

It’s human is Dr [name]Gerald[/name] Tompkin who works as a psychologist. It has to protect him from a threat which endangers his life.

Thanks :smiley:

[name]Fox[/name] (somewhat more of a female name)


I think as far as unisex names go, try [name]Charlie[/name].

Unisex nature names:

Unisex Word name:

[name]Cielo[/name] (means sky in Spanish)

[name]Hope[/name] it helps! :slight_smile:


I think the name [name]Zafiro[/name] is awesome! :slight_smile: Never heard of it before!

Thanks, @stardust17! I could never use it on a real child though… :frowning:

Same here; imagine having to go through school called that!!! :wink:

My first thought was [name]Rowan[/name], not sure if that’s feminine enough though.



[name]Rowan[/name] (nn [name]Ro[/name]) is one of my favorite names ever!!! I like that one a lot