Gwen and Gwyn names?

Hello, friends! :dove:

As the title implies, I am trying to compile a list of all of the [name_f]Gwen[/name_f]- and [name_m]Gwyn[/name_m]- names, so I decided to ask you all for some help doing so!

I’ve found I really have a soft spot for both [name_f]Gwen[/name_f] and [name_m]Gwyn[/name_m], and each time I come across new variants of them I end up adding them to my list, so I figured it’s time to just make one big Gwen/Gwyn list!

Although I’m sure I’m missing ones, so far I have…
Gwynola / Gwenola
[name_f]Gwendolyn[/name_f] (and all it’s many spellings)

Are there any other Gwen/Gwyn variants I should add to this list (apart from [name_f]Gwen[/name_f] and [name_m]Gwyn[/name_m] of course)?

Thank you in advance!


Gwennor came to mind - I’ll try to think of some more


Tegwen (does this count - it’s got Gwen in it :grin:)


I can’t think of any others aside from what you and @Greyblue mentioned, but I saw my Gwyniveth on your list and it made me smile! :blush: I’m so glad I went with it! I am not usually a fan of “modern invented names” but Gwyniveth just felt like an old-world/fairytale princess to me with all the right personal meaning combined into one! Not sure if you’d be interested in this but another name I had considered was a combination of Gwen/Gwyn + [name_f]Elise[/name_f] (Gwennalise/Gwynnelise/Gwynnalise or Gwenalise/Gwynelise). I also thought a combination of [name_m]Gwyn[/name_m] + [name_f]Evelia[/name_f] sounded beautiful but wasn’t sure on the spelling either!


@Greyblue Thank you so much! [name_f]Tegwen[/name_f] definitely counts! I really like Gwennor, Gwennan and Gwenifred and will be adding those to my personal Gwen/Gwyn list, but all of these will be added to the big one!

@ladyofthetower Yay! Gwyniveth is absolutely gorgeous and each time I see you mention her I just stop to marvel at how beautiful she is. I just had to add her to the list! Gwynelise and Gwynevelia are incredibly stunning! You have such a gift for making names. Speaking of which, I just adore your username too. Each time I see it I get excited. It’s so darned lovely!! Thank you for sharing your names with me! They’re definitely getting added to the list!


Maybe it’s essentially [name_f]Guinevere[/name_f] or Gwennor, but I came across [name_f]Gwenore[/name_f] years ago and loved it! Behind the Name is saying it’s a variant of [name_f]Guinevere[/name_f]. It feels like [name_f]Gwendolen[/name_f] + [name_f]Lenore[/name_f] and Arthurian [name_f]Princess[/name_f] and cozy storybook. I can’t think of any others besides what you mentioned but I did want to share [name_f]Gwenore[/name_f]! (Couldn’t find info on Gwennor so I wasn’t sure if it was etymologically related to my beloved Gwenore!)


@ashthedreamer Ooh, I love the [name_f]Gwenore[/name_f] spelling! It’s actually a bit more appealing to me than Gwennor. Feels more complete, almost! The [name_f]Gwen[/name_f] names can be so very grand they feel a little heavy for my personal preference in real life use, but the [name_f]Gwenore[/name_f] spelling is much cozier and a little more perhaps…practical? Thank you so much!

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Gwenmarie? I think I invented it, but it has such a storybook feel!

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@readingreverie - oh yay, I’m glad you like her! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:. She deserves to be loved. I think [name_f]Gwenora[/name_f] would be super lovely too, but I’ve never checked to see if she has any legitimacy.

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@silverfiregirly Ooh, Gwenmarie is very cool! [name_m]Super[/name_m] feminine and pretty. Thank you!

@ashthedreamer [name_f]Gwenora[/name_f] is great too! Thanks again!

I did a nameberry advanced search for names starting with [name_f]Gwen[/name_f]- and linked it!

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Thank you so much! I always forget I can do this :rofl:

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I saw Gwenonwy on the forums a while ago and thought it was gorgeous. It’s Welsh meaning “lily of the valley.” :blush:


I don’t think Gwenhwyfar has been mentioned- She’s the welsh form of [name_f]Guinevere[/name_f] and I think she’s so whispery and gorgeous. I also know a girl called just [name_f]Gwennie[/name_f] which is pretty sweet!

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@Julie_NameNerd Ooh, that’s so unique! I love the meaning. Would be super cool to honor parents born in [name_f]May[/name_f]! Thank you!

@OctaviaMay Gwenhwyfar is super cool! Very elegant but still almost spunky and bouncy! [name_f]Gwennie[/name_f] as a full name is so sweet. Thank you!!

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I like [name_f]Guinevere[/name_f] but my daughter likes [name_f]Gwendolyn[/name_f]. She wanted to name a kid [name_f]Gwen[/name_f] but wont have one now due to climate change worries. I dont mind not having grandchildren. I still love to collect names.


[name_f]Lovely[/name_f]! Thanks for the reply!

Gwenanwy! I haven’t seen it mentioned yet, and it is by far one of my top Gwen/Gwyn names! Gwynevere is also my preferred spelling of [name_f]Guinevere[/name_f]

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I have [name_f]Gwenna[/name_f] and [name_f]Gwenora[/name_f] on lists :blush:

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Thank you!!


I initially wondered whether the name would be too “strange” for people but I’d usually get comments along those lines about my boys’ long-established names anyways so I thought it would probably just fit right in :laughing: Plus, I try to counter that by giving them more approachable nicknames and more common (or some might say “usable”) middle names haha!

And I’m quite smitten with my username myself (for once :joy: !) It feels so natural and perfect for me! Funny for a name nerd probably but usually coming up with a username for myself would just make me cringe!

It’s funny that you were describing the [name_f]Gwenore[/name_f] spelling as “cozy” because that’s what your username feels like (being curled up in a warm bed with a hot tea or cocoa and a good book on a rainy day.) It reminds me of my childhood :blush: I was a huge bookworm and always wanted to write my own stories someday, which actually influenced me discovering my very first favorite girl’s name at 11 or 12 (Amaryllis) for one of my characters!

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@GreenEyes375 Gwenanwy is so lovely! I think I might prefer Gwynevere too! Thank you!!

@Lula-Rose [name_f]Gwenna[/name_f] and [name_f]Gwenora[/name_f] are so pretty! Thank you!

@ladyofthetower To be completely honest I would never guess that the name was invented. It’s so Arthurian princess / almost medieval to me! I love that balance too, although I usually lean towards a brave middle namer. I feel the same way about usernames as well. It’s an absolute nightmare to come up with one every time I make an account :rofl: I luckily don’t hate my user on here, but I wish it was a little more elaborate (or at least had a reference to something)! So, I’m glad readingreverie gives off such nice imagery! Not to toot my own horn, but I feel like the vibe of it matches the aesthetic of my names well, so that’s always a relief :laughing: