what do you guys think of [name_f]Gypsy[/name_f] [name_f]Alice[/name_f] [name_f]Hope[/name_f]?
I’ve recently been following the [name_f]Gypsy[/name_f] [name_u]Rose[/name_u] [name_m]Blanchard[/name_m] case and have fallen in love with the name [name_f]Gypsy[/name_f].
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[name_f]Alice[/name_f] [name_f]Hope[/name_f] is really lovely. G*psy is a cultural slur that I would heavily advise against using as a name. I actually didn’t know that until I posted about the name/word in my earliest Nameberry days, so I totally get not being aware of this use of the word! 
Something like [name_u]Freedom[/name_u] [name_f]Alice[/name_f] [name_f]Hope[/name_f] would be super cool. Another hippieish name could be a really fun alternative.
I didn’t know, and I don’t think it wouldn’t be a problem in my area, I just really love the name. I do like the [name_u]Freedom[/name_u]
I second this! [name_f]Gypsy[/name_f] [name_u]Rose[/name_u] was born in a time when that knowledge was not widespread, and so previously it has been used as a name- but many more people are aware now and so the name would be considered inappropriate to use. When referring to [name_f]Gypsy[/name_f] [name_u]Rose[/name_u] [name_m]Blanchard[/name_m] as a person or other people who have the name in real life, I believe it is generally considered okay to say the name, but as a word it is best to avoid it.
Many Romani people have explicitly said many times that the slur g*psy makes them feel very uncomfortable to hear and have asked people to stop using it, and so morally regardless of whether people would care in your area, I think it wouldn’t be a wise choice.
Same as [name_u]Theo[/name_u] I also did not know this when I started getting interested in names! Especially with how integrated the word has been into American culture. But I figured I’d explain so you can know moving forward!
@seawillow @Kipperbo1 I love the name to much to take it off my list, I decided to use it as a character name instead of a child, so I get to use it a little
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Personally, I think it’s unacceptable, whether it’s for a child or a character, and I would be extremely uncomfortable and weirded out reading a book with a character named [name_f]Gypsy[/name_f]. Quite frankly I’d assume the author was very ignorant and uneducated in other cultures. To be clear, I’m not saying that you’re either of those! I don’t believe that you are. But that would be my reaction to seeing the name in a book. Naming anyone after a demeaning word targeted at a marginalized group is very, very strange to me and it’s never worth it regardless of if it “sounds cute/pretty”. Being respectful of others is much more important!
@tallemaja changed the characters name to [name_u]Sabbath[/name_u], gonna go cry the name fit her so well
Sorry you can’t use G*psy!
My father’s family are traveller (predominantly Irish traveller but my great grandmother was Romani) and it’s a slur used to degrade our people. It’s deeply offensive. Travellers/Romani people have a long history of being discriminated against we still are discriminated against and to use G*psy as a name is not okay. We are a marginalised community. Romani people ended up in N@zi death camps. Your love for the name shouldn’t overlook that history and to be honest I think it’s really wrong when peoples love for a name overlooks the cultural significance off what the word is. I have similar thoughts to people using Cohen people shouldn’t prioritise their love for something over what’s right.
Edit: I know you’ve changed your mind bless you I still find Sabbath not completely suitable due to what Sabbath means in relation to Judaism but gosh a million times better than using G*psy! I have to post just in case someone stumbles across this thread whilst considering the name as this is my community. Hope that makes sense as it’s not directed at you just future people potentially considering this name.
I do not like G*psy at all for it is a slur for the [name_u]Traveler[/name_u] / Romani (No idea which term is correct, asking @tori101 for confirmation) people and these people have been discriminated a lot here in Europe and still kind of are. Maybe it is not known much in USA or in [name_f]English[/name_f] speaking countries but here they have been ended in actual concentration camps, been marginalised, killed, insulted of and they still are object of stigma by some Europeans. It is okay if you did not know about the story, since maybe it is not much known in your country - now you do. For a similar sounding name what about Hepzie? It is a diminutive of [name_f]Hepzibah[/name_f] (which has a great meaning too) or [name_u]Vyvyan[/name_u] if you like the look of the y.
i don’t know what it was, I just loved the name for this character, Hepizbah nn Hepzie is to unique and I despise Vyvyan
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Hey @heartwings thank you for asking! It’s always good to educate yourself 
So Romani people are known as Romani (Roma, Sinti or Kale depending on what subgroup they belong too) they have different ethnic origins too Travellers stereotypically. This group of people migrated from the modern state off Rajasthan through to Punjab region so essentially northern Indian down through into Europe. Romani people tend to believe in folklore and mysticism. Some are Catholic and some are Muslim depending on their ethnic origins but they do follow a sort of mashup of Catholicism and Islam depending on what sect they belong to along with practising folklore/mysticism customs. Romani people Tend to work in gardening, building, vehicle trade and animal trade. They speak Romany Jib/Romani Ĉib.
Whereas when people say ‘travellers’ (also known Pavees or Mincéirs) they tend to be referring traditionally peripatetic indigenous ethno-cultural group originating in Ireland. They are predominantly English speaking, though many also speak Shelta, a language of mixed English and Irish origin. You also get English, Welsh + Scottish travellers but they most likely can trace their roots back to Ireland. They are normally devout catholics. They stereotypically do trade work and also run travelling fairs across the British isles.
Hope that helps!
i’m not going to keep commenting on gypsy, I do believe you get the picture, but alice hope is so pretty and lovely, you should keep those two together!
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agreeing with previous posters’ sentiments! thank you @tori101 for the valuable extensive information! /gen
that being said, I thought I’d recommend some alternatives!
similar in sounds or appearance
[name_f]Gem[/name_f] / [name_u]Jem[/name_u]
similar in “vibes”
[name_f]Hespera[/name_f] / [name_f]Hesperia[/name_f]
[name_f]Gypsy[/name_f] is a racial slur. And aside from that, I don’t think [name_f]Gypsy[/name_f] [name_u]Rose[/name_u] [name_m]Blanchard[/name_m] - who is probably the most famous [name_f]Gypsy[/name_f] - is a good namesake.
love [name_f]Delora[/name_f] and [name_f]Destiny[/name_f]
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