Has your first name become more or less common since you were born?

I would say less



Definitely less!

Slightly more common

honestly i don’t even know. i know it hasn’t ranked in the top 1000 since the 40s or something like that, so i’m not even sure how to check.

More common! There’s barely a difference between rankings then and now, but it has definitely grown in popularity. It’s still kind of rare to come by someone with my name.

[name_m]Way[/name_m] more common, 'cause of the princess…when I was born, it was #86, by 2016 it was #7, and now I think it’s #3?

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Waaaaay more common. When I was born, my name ranked #768 in my country. I’m 20 yeas old now, and my name currently ranks #28. :smiling_face_with_tear: So much change in two decades!

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Definitely less

Oh, way more common. It was fairly unusual when I was born, and now it’s one of THE most popular names :slightly_frowning_face:

more - it’s gone from outside the top 500 to just outside the top 100, used roughly six times as much in 2021 as in the year i was born.

Less, I was born at the height of it’s popularity (top 5) and its been slowly trending downward ever since (just left the top hundred in the last year or two).

So much more common! The way my name is spelled, it only showed up in the top 1000 once I was 9 and has now risen to the top 400. The more common spelling was in and out of the top 1000 in the decade of my birth and was out the year I was born. Now it is in the top 50!

It’s very strange to hear my name when it is not referring to me, especially since most people with my name are children.

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Much more common

Its veen common before me so im not sure. Its commonish now, mostly used for middle names. Would love it to see it be used as a first name more (grace

going off of the uk charts, my name has gone up by 52 spots since i was born!

my full name has stayed unusual but my nickname that i usually go by has been really popular since i was born basically