Have any of you ladies had a negative pregnancy test but ended up you were pregnant?

I am now about a week and a half late for my period, and have taken 3 pregnancy test (all negative). Is there any chance that the tests could be wrong? My hubby and I have been ttc for a year now, so I’m afraid to get excited, but I’ve heard that with some women the tests don’t give positive results till much later. Anyone else experienced anything like this???

Yes, depending on when you ovulated. I got a few negatives on our last baby before I got a positive.
Hold out and try testing again in a few days. Best of luck! Your body may just not know its pregnant yet.

Thanks for sharing your story - it’s encouraging to hear that there may be a chance of still getting a positive! :slight_smile: I think I’ll wait till [name]Monday[/name] or [name]Tuesday[/name] and take another test. By then I would be two weeks late, so if i’m pregnant surely it will show up by then. Hoping and praying it’s positive!!! So tired of all the trying and waiting, only to be disappointed month after month… :frowning:

Sure, if I test too early then I’ll get a negative. I’ve even gotten a positive result, tested later and gotten a negative, and tested a couple days later and gotten another positive. It’s what happens from testing early - the HCG levels are still pretty low and not all PG tests are sensitive enough to pick them up.

It’s also possible that your period is late because you ovulated later than you normally do.

I have a friend who didnt get a positive even in bloodwork til she was a few months along. But then again I also know someone ttc and several times her period has been delayed bc shes been stressing over it so much. TTC is such a rollercoaster ride. Im sorry. [name]Hope[/name] you get that positive!

All my negatives have been true negatives, the one time I was actually pregnant I got two positives clear as day within seconds, and I was not late at that point.
I agree with karenp though, I’ve also known women that can’t get positives on home tests and can only get them on the blood work. If you feel you really may be, call your doctor and arrange for some blood work! Home tests can often be taken wrong and give the wrong results.

Exactly, false negatives due to too low levels are definately possible. False positives are only possible if you are on hormonal treatments like IVF.

It took me 2 weeks after my missed period with both of my pregnancies before I got a positive test. With every negative I got I would wait 3 days and then test again. Some women are just slower at producing the hormone I suppose!

I got a blurry result with the first test I had and they called me in for another test that came back negative but I had a feeling that I was pregnant and went for a further test and it came out positive, end result my beautiful girl.


PS I agree with pp the hormone for a positive result seems to kick in later with some people.

That happened to me on my second pregnancy. We were trying to conceive so the second my period didn’t hit we were testing…and they kept coming up negative. No period, sicker than a dog, and I tried all sorts of different brands and they all said negative. I was 8 weeks along before I got a positive, and that was when I switched up to the cheap dollar store test!

Wow, thanks so much to each one of you who sharred your story! So encouraging, and good to know, that negative doesn’t ALWAYS mean you’re not pregnant. Unfortunately AF finally came yesterday - just over two weeks late. :frowning: Guess it was just wishful thinking on my part. But thanks for the encouraging words anyway!! Maybe next time…

Pregnancy tests are most reliable from the first day of your missed period, although some tests can be used as early as four or five days before your period is due.

I always felt pregnant before I got a positive test. Tested early & got negatives but I’d think that definitely by a week past your expected period, you should be seeing results.

Yes! One of my daughters, [name_f]Henrietta[/name_f], was negative. Obviously that was wrong though, because here she is!

This thread was originally posted in 2012.

With my son we got two false negatives. When I asked my ob about it she said it’s possible to test too early. She told us that next time we should wait for a few weeks longer