I came across the name Evani (pronounced Eh-vah-nee) for a little girl and love it! Please let me know your thoughts on it. Additionally, please let me know which middle name goes best with it:
I have never actually heard of the name Evani, but I think its lovely! My only worry is that - to me personally - it sounds a bit masculine. It reminds me of the Italian [name]Giovanni[/name], the Russian [name]Evgeni[/name], and the Irish [name]Evan[/name]. However, I think it is a unique spin on [name]Eva[/name] that would sound familiar to the every day hear, but would be rare and beautiful.
My favorite from your list is Evani [name]Pearl[/name]. Since [name]Rose[/name] and [name]Grace[/name] have become almost filler middle names, I think [name]Pearl[/name] is a simple, yet lovely way to round off the more unusual Evani. The flow of Evani [name]Tula[/name] is a bit off for me. You might like:
Evani [name]May[/name]
Evani [name]Blythe[/name] (this would mean “happy life” - how adorable is that?)
Evani [name]Fleur[/name]
Evani [name]Belle[/name]
Evani [name]Greer[/name]
Evani Lyse
Evani [name]Suzanne[/name]
Evani [name]Celeste[/name]
Evani [name]Mireille[/name]
Evani [name]Claire[/name]
I haven’t heard of it but it reminds me of bottle water, sorry. It is a pretty name if people pronounce it correctly. I can see someone saying [name]Evan[/name]-ee instead. I like Evani [name]Pearl[/name] from your list, and Evani [name]Blythe[/name] from the pp. Evani [name]Jade[/name] or [name]June[/name] would be nice.
Not a bad name. What do you think of the name “[name]Evadne[/name]” pronounced E- Vod(like vodka)-Nee.
I know a girl with that name. Not popular and not hard to pronounce.
I’m sorry, but it reminds me too much of [name]Evian[/name]. Or [name]Evan[/name]. Or [name]Ebony[/name]. [name]Love[/name] [name]Ebony[/name] though!