Have you ever loved a name and then realized you were pronouncing it wrong?

It’s kind of a mix tbh. Ee-lie-jzuh. But said super fast.

Or I think a better way of writing it out is ee-LIEJ-uh. The j sound is at the end of the i.

Thahl-ee-ah (or Thah-lee-ah) is how I wish [name_f]Thalia[/name_f] is pronounced! As for Quillian, before today I had never seen it spelled out but I wish it was kwill-ee-an, not kill-ee-an.

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Same here! In fact, I pronounced a lot of Greek names wrong and still do! When I first saw [name_f]Hebe[/name_f], it was hee-b to me, not hee-bee.


I know an [name_m]Elijah[/name_m] and some people have pronounced his name several different ways - Ee-lie-juh is an interesting pronunciation

My sister thought [name_u]Shawn[/name_u] was shawn, [name_u]Shaun[/name_u] was shAY-un, and sean was Seen :joy:

I used to LOVE [name_u]Evelyn[/name_u], but pronounced [name_f]Eve[/name_f]-lin. Now that I know the more common pronunciation is [name_f]Eva[/name_f]-lin, it’s kind of ruined the name for me haha

When I was young, I thought that [name_m]Seamus[/name_m] was pronounced See-mus. :joy:

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For several years when I was very young I would see the name [name_f]Penelope[/name_f] and ask myself “Why would anyone name their child PEN-nuh-lope?”

My mom had the same misconception about Penelopeuntil she was well into her teens. She just couldn’t understand why someone would name their child something that rhymed with envelope or antelope :joy:

Recently came across the name Meraki for a boy and was pronouncing it like mare-uh-kai until I found out it’s actually meh-rah-key. I don’t hate the second pronunciation but I was honestly a little disappointed lol.

I always thought for the longest time that [name_f]Noemi[/name_f] was pronounced like Gnome-ee not No-eh-mee

I pronounced [name_f]Chloe[/name_f] as Sha-LOW up through high school :rofl: It sounded sooo exotic and feminine to me. I still kind of love it.

boy am i learning new things here :sweat_smile:

i fell in love with isaiah at first sight - except to me it was EYE zai uh, like zai rhyming with eye and not say
i’m still very disappointed

add nikias to the list of upsetting greek names, though i’m sure most every language would agree on its pronunciation - just not aren language :joy:
i’m leaving the stress on the first syllable, it’ll exist happily in my head alongside isaiah

@Pansy lyra can definitely be leerah! it depends on the place and language

@EJpuddlejumper same for tuhLOOluh, i have no idea how that goes in irish, but if you throw in a spanish/non-english pronunciation it’s tuhlooluh for mostly everybody else?

i’m trying but i can’t wrap my head around how to pronounce aloysius :joy:

@anon25197097 same same point, talitha can definitely be talEEtha, depends who you ask, and place/language of course. i knew one once!


Yepp :sweat_smile:


How I thought it was pronounced = An - dro (like “drone”) - meh - duh

How it’s actually pronounced = An - draa (like “draw”) - muh - duh

:woman_shrugging:t2: :woman_shrugging:t2:

I still love it tho!

Oh! And in my childhood I read HP and thought Cedric was pronounced = See - drick

I thought it was a cool name and maybe I’d use it one day… Seh - drick is definitely better :rofl:

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For a while I was seeing [name_f]Nimue[/name_f] in people’s signatures and saying ‘nih-myoo’ but I eventually looked up the pronunciation to see I was completely wrong :joy:


I honestly don’t know the correct way to pronounce it, but when I read The Horse and His Boy, I pronounced [name_f]Aravis[/name_f] “air-ah-vee” and adored it. Something reminding me of [name_f]Aravis[/name_f] this morning, but upon looking for nicknames it seems like everyone pronounces it “air-ah-viss” :sweat_smile: I guess it could just as well be “ah-ray-vis.” I still think “vee” is the nicest ending, unapologetic.

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I don’t know why, but for many years I pronounced [name_u]Simone[/name_u] as sie-MO-nee. I was so disappointed when I discovered the real one. [name_m]Even[/name_m] sad. It would have been so pretty…

Ayla! But I wasn’t disappointed and it made me love the name more

Oh no! How were you pronouncing it?

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I had worked with my grandma on our family history work together for years, talking with her about the [name_m]Horatio[/name_m] in our family, but we always called him Pop or [name_u]Ray[/name_u], so I didn’t realize until after mine was born that my grandma (the previous [name_m]Horatio[/name_m]’s granddaughter) pronounces his name Ho-ray-show, 3 syllables. I pronounce it Ho-RAY-she-oh, very clearly 4 syllables. I’ve heard others pronounce it the Spanish way, [name_m]Horacio[/name_m], like O-RASS-si-oh. But hey, I nicknamed mine TEA-oh, so I believe the T exists, just not in full.