Have you used a doula?

I’m weighing whether or not hiring a doula might be beneficial for me in this pregnancy, and was wondering what kind of experiences others have had with one. Good or bad! Was their presence helpful for you either before, during, or post-labor?

Ok so I did not have a doula but kind of wish I did!

tw birth story

I was induced early for medical reasons, they told me it could take up to 5 days. [name_f]My[/name_f] water broke 8 hours in, no pitocin. [name_f]My[/name_f] contractions weren’t registering on their computer, but I was definitely having them. They came on hard and FAST. I was in so much unbelievable pain and they kept acting like I was lying! I was begging for an epidural (originally wanted a natural birth but they ASSURED me I was going to be there a long time - and I knew I could not make it if it would be hours let alone days of that pain. They didn’t even check me to see if I was progressing, just wrote me off. Finally after hours of indescribable pain they gave me an epidural (they still had not even checked my dilation - like what!?) After the epidural they checked me and I was 8cm. 1.5 hours later my son was born. If I had known I made it that far without meds I wouldn’t have taken them - as I was so close already. (I think also they wouldn’t have given them to me that far along either) I wish I had someone who knew what to do there to speak for me. I could not advocate for myself bc of the pain. A doula will advocate for you when you aren’t able to for yourself and make sure you’re birth is as smooth as possible. Nurses and Doctors, as helpful as they are, are guilty of believing computers and data over the patient. I was an “unbelievable case” in their eyes so they did not even listen t me or acknowledge my pain. I think I even caught the anesthesiologist tell them to test me for drugs bc I must be a drug addict to want an epidural and fake the pain I was in. I hope she felt extremely guilty for saying those things I hope they all did.


Yes to the doula!!

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I haven’t, but a couple of people I know have and they couldn’t sing higher praises!

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Wish i had!

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