Hayley and a short list

What do you think of [name]Hayley[/name]? I know it’s common but I love it. [name]How[/name] many do you know and how do they spell it? [name]How[/name] old are they?

Which spellings do you like best? Least favorite spellings? I like [name]Hayley[/name] and [name]Hailie[/name], what do you think?

A short list of other names I really like right now, opinons?

[name]Elaine[/name] nickname [name]Lainie[/name]
[name]Alaina[/name] nickname [name]Lainie[/name]

I much prefer both [name]Primrose[/name] and [name]Alaina[/name] to [name]Hayley[/name], and I prefer the spelling [name]Hailey[/name]. What about [name]Hallie[/name]? To me, it’s much more fresh and modern, while still being a classic. I love both [name]Hallie[/name] [name]Primrose[/name] and [name]Alaina[/name] [name]Primrose[/name]!

Thanks :slight_smile: I like [name]Hallie[/name] but it is too [name]Halle[/name] [name]Berry[/name] at the moment. And I like [name]Hayley[/name] better.

Looking forward to more opinions

I don’t love [name]Haley[/name] and its other spellings–it feels dated to me now–but I do like it a lot, and used to live it when I was in high school. I, too, prefer the [name]Hayley[/name] spelling–it looks more balanced to me with all the "Y"s, which is something I’ll rarely say! I’m usually fond of traditional spellings but [name]Hayley[/name] is my one GP, haha. Second favorite would probably be [name]Haley[/name], which is the original, I think? I can think of two Haleys I know–one was a fellow student when we were in college, and she spelled it [name]Hailey[/name]. The other was about 5 years younger than me and I knew her from church. I think she spelled it [name]Hayleigh[/name]? I don’t really know any young Haleys anymore.

From your list, I love [name]Primrose[/name] (although it feels a bit GPish for me to actually use, but I really like it and the nn [name]Posey[/name]!), and I like [name]Lainie[/name] as a nn (although I prefer the [name]Elena[/name] spelling). I’m not crazy about [name]Elaine[/name] or [name]Meadow[/name], personally.

Good luck!

[name]Don[/name]'t like it - at all. I know 2 Haileys and a [name]Haley[/name] my age, plus one 6 year old [name]Haylie[/name]. I think [name]Haley[/name] is the best spelling if you must go for it

I like [name]Primrose[/name] and [name]Elaine[/name] from your list, and [name]Haley[/name] is quite common. I know 4 I believe and they’re all young.

[name]Don[/name]'t like it…totally over used I am so bored of this name and all names that sound like it

I think [name]Hayley[/name] is the original. At least someone on another board once did some research and [name]Hayley[/name] was used first as a given name in [name]England[/name] a long time ago. [name]Haley[/name] was used later than [name]Hayley[/name]. Also [name]Hayley[/name] [name]Mills[/name] was given her mother’s maiden name: [name]Hayley[/name]. I’m pretty sure [name]Hayley[/name] is the original spelling. It is also the one used most often in [name]England[/name] and Australia.

[name]Hayley[/name] is pretty and not too common… Well, I only know 2 and one is a bit older than me…she may have been born around the same time as the original Parent Trap movie came out… I also know someone with a daughter named [name]Haley[/name], and I think she is 8. My fave spelling has always been [name]Hayley[/name]. I like Y’s in names and it just looks cleaner that way. It’s Hay-[name]Lee[/name], not [name]Hal[/name]-[name]Lee[/name], like [name]Halle[/name] [name]Berry[/name], and some spellings can make people confused.
[name]Primrose[/name] is absolutely adorable! I think with The Hunger Games, the name will really catch on. [name]Rose[/name] is quite a popular middle name, but maybe [name]Primrose[/name] will take over.
[name]Meadow[/name] isn’t as cute. I’m not a fan. Okay for a mn…
[name]Elaine[/name] and [name]Alaina[/name], nickname [name]Lainie[/name] are great! I just like different spellings: [name]Elena[/name] and [name]Laney[/name]. [name]Elaine[/name] is a lovely choice since she can be [name]Lainie[/name] as a child/teen and then [name]Elaine[/name] on resumes and such. It ages well. [name]Alaina[/name] is pretty too, but more exotic. It could work on the right person. [name]Elena[/name] is my fave name at the moment, but since it sounds exotic, I am not sure it would suit my child.
Anyway, nice name list!

I don’t like [name]Hayley[/name] very much, but I know four.
[name]One[/name] is 13 and spells it [name]Hayley[/name], one is 16 and spells it [name]Haley[/name], one is 17 and spells it [name]Hailey[/name], and one is 24 and spells it [name]Hayley[/name].

I hate [name]Hayley[/name] and it’s many spelling (no offense to anyone). There are 4 at the daycare I work at alone, and I’ve known a ton more through school. At the daycare there’s [name]Hayley[/name] (23), [name]Hailey[/name] (1ish), [name]Haley[/name] (2 and a half), [name]Hailey[/name] (16). 3 of those [name]Hayley[/name]'s are in the same room all day.

I really like [name]Elaine[/name], not a fan of the others. I like [name]Hayley[/name] too but it is very popular.

I know people named [name]Haley[/name], [name]Hayley[/name], [name]Halie[/name], [name]Haleigh[/name], and [name]Hayleigh[/name]. The most common ways are [name]Haley[/name] and [name]Hayley[/name], I prefer [name]Hayley[/name].

I’m a [name]Hayley[/name] and I’m 23. I’ve only known two other [name]Hayley[/name]'s,both with the same spelling. [name]One[/name] was the same age as me,the other a few years younger. And of course there’s [name]Hayley[/name] [name]Mills[/name].
I agree with a pp re the y’s making it look more balanced. I’m surprised that so many pp’s are saying the name is over done. I guess it must have been much more popular in the USA than in Great [name]Britain[/name]?
I’ve always really liked my name. If you like it go for it,if it has been a popular name previously,you can be sure it will stand out amongst the [name]Olivia[/name]'s,[name]Emily[/name]'s and [name]Ava[/name]'s around now!

I know 2 with that name right now…a 16-month-old spelled “[name]Hailey[/name]” which I believe is the most common spelling in the US and the other is about 10 ("[name]Haeley[/name]"). It is climbing the charts here quickly, but if you like it you’re not alone so go for it!

I love the name [name]Hailey[/name]/[name]Haley[/name]/[name]Hayley[/name] etc etc. I think it sounds so soft, feminine and pretty but not fussy or pretentious. [name]Kinda[/name] like [name]Emily[/name], just sounds like a pretty, friendly, down-to-earth girl-next-door. Sadly it’s very very very popular, which is the only reason I didn’t go with it for one of my girls. When you combine all the spellings (and there are many more than what’s been mentioned by PPs) it’s in the top 10 in the US and in [name]Canada[/name]. It’s not popular in [name]England[/name] or Australia.

I prefer [name]Hallie[/name]/[name]Halle[/name] to [name]Hayley[/name], but I think [name]Hayley[/name] is a sweet name and I only know one, she is a senior in HS now. I prefer the [name]Hayley[/name] spelling it just looks more “right” to me. :slight_smile: I think I would like [name]Hailey[/name] next. I think its a common and popular name that always will be around, kind of like [name]Emily[/name].

I don’t love the name [name]Hayley[/name] but I do prefer the spelling [name]HAILEY[/name] by far!!

I think [name]Hailey[/name] is adorable and that is my favorite spelling. I know a [name]Haley[/name] age 8 and a [name]Haylie[/name] age 9.

There were quite a few Hayleys (I don’t remember their spellings) at the place I used to work. Those kids are all between 1-4 years old. Definitely one of the more popular names. That being said, I still like the name because I like the way it sounds. I definitely prefer the [name]Hailey[/name] spelling.

I am also a [name]Haley[/name] and I am also 23. Growing up there weren’t really any [name]Haley[/name]'s. [name]Even[/name] now I feel my name is relatively uncommon within my age group. I hate that it has become increasingly popular with multiple spellings. I like my name but hate that it is at risk for becoming dated.