Head cold and due in the next 2 weeks

I’m miserable with a head cold and being 37.5 weeks pregnant! This is kiddo #3 and I really can’t slow down as much as I’d like. Also, the hubs is lacking in the sympathy department. I just need a place to vent and say, this is so hard!!! Ugh!! Thanks for listening!

I can imagine you’re frustrated. Are you getting much help from your husband with your other children? Is there anyone else who can help out?

Oh that sounds awful. I once had a head cold in early pregnancy and I suffered so I can only imagine how much worse you must feel. I hope you can get the support you need in the meantime and that it passes quickly. Best of luck with everything!

Oh dear, I feel ya! When I was pregnant with my youngest daughter, who is turning 3 in [name_u]December[/name_u], I was sick literally from Thanksgiving to [name_m]New[/name_m] Years! And she was born Dec 20th. Being in labor and giving birth while battling a never-ending cold was miserable. Especially since I went into labor in the evening, labored through the night, and gave birth in the early morning _ I was so sleep-deprived and sick and to top it off I was at a birth center having a water birth so there was no pain management to help me cope with feeling miserable either. Also we had our 3 other kids with us because our “labor time babysitter” wouldn’t answer her phone. Now I’m rambling but my point is - you can get through it and eventually it’ll be better. lol.

Anyway - I really hope you are feeling better by now since its been a few days. If not - just keep attempting to rest as much as you can! And drink lots of water and orange juice/vitamin C supplements.