Basically what the title says ^^^
The idea is that my character’s grandmother had a habit of pronouncing her name as Heh-LEE-Na when she was younger (as she wasn’t fluent in the language), so [name_f]Lina[/name_f] just stuck as a nickname. I’m not big on [name_f]Lena[/name_f] as a nickname even though that works more with the actual name, so I quickly thought of a whole backstory behind it.
Does this all sound a little strange haha? Thoughts?
I would think it a bit odd as [name_f]Helena[/name_f] can also be said with the ending as Lee-Nah, Lay-Nah, and Lynn-Ah all pretty equally, to then use the [name_f]Lina[/name_f] spelling for the nickname. If this were a real-life scenario I would say whatever you prefer, but even with an in book reason it doesn’t make a ton of sense. To say why her nickname is said one way and her full name another? A cute story about a loved one being unable to say it properly definitely works for that. For a nickname being spelt differently when it really doesn’t make sense to do it, as [name_f]Lena[/name_f] is more commonly said as Lee-Nah anyway, is too much of a stretch for a book character imo
Maybe it’s a country to country thing? I’m more familiar with [name_f]Lena[/name_f] being pronounced the [name_m]German[/name_m] way (as Ley-na), which is where the character is actually from. I was thinking of getting creative and going for Helina as well, which apparently has Russian origins according to Google, but I figured that’d sound a little odd too. Anyway, thanks for your input! (also pleeease ignore the previous reply, my thing glitched a little )
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I definitely think [name_f]Lena[/name_f] is more intuitive for the pronunciation you want — even though it can also be pronounced ley-nuh. I’d pronounce [name_f]Lina[/name_f] as lie-nuh, not lee-nuh.
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