[name_m]Hi[/name_m], everyone! [name_f]My[/name_f] husband and I are expecting our fourth child next year in mid-January. Another girl, haha… I’m so in love with her already and cannot wait for her arrival!
Although we have chosen a possible first name for our fourth daughter, we’re struggling to find a good middle name that goes along with it and her sisters’ names. Our baby’s possible first name is [name_f]Oriana[/name_f]. I think that it’s a super cute and sweet first name. Any middle names for [name_f]Oriana[/name_f]? Any other first and middle name combos for our fourth daughter? I’d love a hyphenated middle name. We also prefer names that are not too common and not too unique, please! Any first names for the middle name [name_f]Luciana[/name_f] that go along with her sisters’ names? Any middle names for [name_f]Oriana[/name_f]? [name_f]My[/name_f] daughters’ names are [name_f]Aimee[/name_f] [name_f]Lynne[/name_f], [name_u]June[/name_u] Isabella-Lucia, and [name_f]Nessa[/name_f] Olivia-Lina. Thanks so much!
@Fynnley_3 Adding a few suggestions for [name_f]Oriana[/name_f] to the ones I had for [name_f]Luciana[/name_f] earlier:
[name_f]Oriana[/name_f] Charlotte-Marissa (I feel like [name_f]Charlotte[/name_f] is more common as a first name, at least in my area. I also wanted to include a few -m names for you!)
[name_f]Oriana[/name_f] Rosalie-Kate (because you told me you liked [name_f]Kate[/name_f] earlier)
[name_f]Oriana[/name_f] Estelle-Hope
[name_f]Oriana[/name_f] Faith-Margot
[name_f]Oriana[/name_f] Violet-Kate
[name_f]Oriana[/name_f] Josie-Rose
[name_f]Oriana[/name_f] Eliza-Marie
@namenerddoglover I really like [name_f]Oriana[/name_f] Eliza-Marie and [name_f]Oriana[/name_f] Estelle-Hope. [name_f]Estelle[/name_f] reminded me of the name [name_u]Celeste[/name_u], probably because I sort of wanted to name our third daughter, [name_f]Nessa[/name_f], [name_f]Estrella[/name_f] [name_u]Celeste[/name_u] (and call her [name_f]Ella[/name_f] ), but my husband wasn’t too keen on the idea (He wanted to name her [name_u]Parker[/name_u] [name_f]Kate[/name_f], [name_f]Kate[/name_f] after my mother-in-law). Seriously, it’s like over an eighty percent that we’ll name her [name_f]Mattea[/name_f] or Oriana… which one do you like better? I still can’t seem to find the right middle names… I’m obsessed with [name_f]Luciana[/name_f], but [name_f]Oriana[/name_f] and [name_f]Luciana[/name_f] have the same -ana ending… I have to pick a name sometime 'cause this baby arrives in two months! Haha lol
@Fynnley_3 I’m so glad you like [name_f]Oriana[/name_f] Estelle-Hope and [name_f]Oriana[/name_f] Eliza-Marie! Both [name_f]Mattea[/name_f] and [name_f]Oriana[/name_f] are beautiful, I like [name_f]Oriana[/name_f] best, even though I tend to prefer m names to o names for little girls. It seems like [name_f]Oriana[/name_f] is really special to you and it genuinely makes me so happy for you! Regardless of which name you choose, I hope you follow your hearts. I know you will find the perfect name for your baby girl! A few questions for you—I know you love [name_f]Luciana[/name_f], [name_f]Mattea[/name_f], and [name_f]Oriana[/name_f]. Which one brings you the most joy when you think of it, say it aloud, and see it on paper? Is there a name that stands out to you as one you’d regret not using?
@namenerddoglover Luciana brings out the most joy in me. I adore Luciana. Personally, it’s a very harmonious and melodic name, and I would absolutely love to call my daughter Lucy. Luciana also brings out the most joy in me because of its meaning. My daughters’ names all have very meaningful and special meanings to my husband and I, as Aimee Lynne means “loved waterfall,” June Isabella-Lucia means “young pledge to God’s light,” and Nessa Olivia-Lina means “miraculous olive-tree tender”. Luciana means “light” in Latin.
While I’m still not sure about Mattea, I am warming up to the name. In one of my other posts, the lovely @bemiranda suggested the middle name Kerensa-Alora for Mattea, and I adore Kerensa-Alora with Mattea. It sounds so exotic and sophisticated!
I really like Oriana, but my love for Oriana doesn’t traverse as deep as my love does for Luciana. Oriana’s name is meaningful; meaning “dawn; sunrise” in Latin. But, at the same time, I really don’t care for Oriana, as it sounds too similar to Ariana. I love the meaning of Oriana’s name, but not really the name itself.
Actually, yes, thinking about it, I think I’d regret not naming my last baby (I think she will be my last baby. My husband rolls his eyes and laughs when I tell him that this is our last baby. I guess he knows me all too well lol) Luciana.
@Greyblue [name_u]Love[/name_u], love, LOVE [name_f]Oriana[/name_f] [name_f]Arabella[/name_f] and [name_f]Oriana[/name_f] [name_f]Luella[/name_f]! They might be a possible name for our baby girl…
@Fynnley_3 I love this! And yes, I agree @bemiranda is wonderful. Everyone on the forums is so kind and I love it! I think you should definitely use [name_f]Luciana[/name_f]. You don’t want to regret not using the name you love most if she is your last baby. Also, between [name_f]Luciana[/name_f], [name_f]Mattea[/name_f], and [name_f]Oriana[/name_f], I would definitely choose [name_f]Luciana[/name_f] if I were you. It is so joyful, and I can tell how much you love it!
[name_u]Carmen[/name_u] [name_f]Luciana[/name_f] (I love these together!)
[name_f]Zosia[/name_f] [name_f]Luciana[/name_f]
[name_f]Tiffani[/name_f] [name_f]Luciana[/name_f]
[name_f]Juliette[/name_f] [name_f]Luciana[/name_f]
@cms1512 [name_u]Amazing[/name_u] choices! I adore [name_u]Carmen[/name_u] [name_f]Luciana[/name_f] and [name_f]Oriana[/name_f] Penelope-Jade. Very exotic and sophisticated! I love them all!
@namenerddoglover So, just talked the names over with my husband while you were replying. Luciana is one of our top favorite names and… we’re naming her Luciana!!! Ahhh!! I’m so excited and so in love with her name!! So now when we’re talking about my baby, we can call her by her name Luciana/Lucy, and not just baby anymore haha.
Now all I need is a middle name… I have a few suggestions but not any names yet… I know that I’d prefer a middle name ending with an -a and I would also mind another hyphenated middle name. I’ll think about it. In the meantime, what do you think is a good middle name for Lucy (Ahhh!!! I can’t believe I’m actually naming her Lucy!! )?
Also, thank you SO much for your help with our daughter’s name; it has been a rough seven months trying to name her. You have helped tremendously. I can’t even express my gratitude for how much this means to my husband and I.
@Fynnley_3 Aww!! You have no idea how happy this makes me! [name_f]Luciana[/name_f], [name_f]Aimee[/name_f], [name_u]June[/name_u], and [name_f]Nessa[/name_f] are so lucky y to have you and your husband as their parents.
I love @Casea33’s suggestion of [name_f]Luciana[/name_f] Winter-Kate! It’s beautiful and whimsical, and it shares the nature, seasonal theme with [name_u]June[/name_u].
Other ideas;
[name_f]Luciana[/name_f] Adelaide-Kate
[name_f]Luciana[/name_f] Kate-Adele (I think both of these are really pretty, and I don’t know what order you prefer the nicknames to be in, so I wanted to share some options!)
[name_f]Luciana[/name_f] Hope-Marie
[name_f]Luciana[/name_f] Vera-Christine (Vera means faith, and I think it’s gorgeous!)
[name_f]Luciana[/name_f] Eliza-Noelle
[name_f]Luciana[/name_f] Sophia-Kate
[name_f]Luciana[/name_f] Felicity-Kate or [name_f]Luciana[/name_f] Felicity-Rose would be beautiful. [name_u]Light[/name_u] and happiness!
[name_f]Luciana[/name_f] Brielle-Marie
[name_f]Luciana[/name_f] Chloe-Rae
[name_f]Luciana[/name_f] Elena-Faith
[name_f]Luciana[/name_f] Zoe-Marie
[name_f]Luciana[/name_f] Eliza-Wren
[name_f]Luciana[/name_f] Kate-Jolie
[name_f]Luciana[/name_f] Hattie-Marie
[name_f]Luciana[/name_f] Talia-Kate
[name_f]Luciana[/name_f] Leah-Marie
[name_f]Luciana[/name_f] Georgia-Kate
[name_f]Luciana[/name_f] Phoebe-Mae
[name_f]Luciana[/name_f] Daisy-Grace
[name_f]Luciana[/name_f] Holly-Rose
[name_f]Luciana[/name_f] Flora-Grey
[name_f]Luciana[/name_f] Eden-Kate
[name_f]Luciana[/name_f] Josie-Grace
[name_f]Luciana[/name_f] Penelope-Kate
[name_f]Luciana[/name_f] Eliza-Faith
[name_f]Luciana[/name_f] Selah-Marie
[name_f]Luciana[/name_f] Matilda-Grace or [name_f]Luciana[/name_f] Madeline-Grace
I hope this helps! I’m excited for you to welcome baby [name_f]Lucy[/name_f] into your family SO soon!
@namenerddoglover [name_f]Holy[/name_f] [name_u]Moses[/name_u]! That’s a lot of names! You did NOT need to make that many for me, but thank you so, so much! I adore Flora-Grey… that reminds me of the name [name_f]Fawn[/name_f]. If I hadn’t named my second daughter [name_u]June[/name_u], she would’ve been [name_f]Fawn[/name_f] or [name_f]Mavis[/name_f]! I also adore [name_f]Luciana[/name_f] Adelaide-Kate; very sophisticated and timeless.
I will let you know when my husband and I have chosen the perfect middle name for [name_f]Lucy[/name_f]. In the meantime, I will see you in my other posts (and this one, as well!)! Thank you so much for all that you have done for my husband and I. You are a wonderful person, truly, and I know that you are going to be an amazing mother one day. [name_f]May[/name_f] the [name_m]Lord[/name_m] bless you!
@Fynnley_3 You’re more than welcome, it was so fun! I’m so glad I could help. I really love [name_f]Luciana[/name_f] Adelaide-Kate too! [name_f]Fawn[/name_f] is very cute. I’m in love with [name_u]June[/name_u], that was a beautiful choice.
Wow, thank you.It is so incredibly kind of you to take take time out of your day to say that to me.If I am just half the mother that the women in my family, and my friends are, I will be content. I look up to their parenting so much!
I wish you and your family the very best. Be blessed and have an incredible day! I’m so excited for you and your husband! Sweet [name_f]Lucy[/name_f] is so loved, I can tell! You will pick out the perfect middle name for her!
@namenerddoglover Thank you! I will get back to you in a couple of days. I like to spend time with my daughters’ and my husband on the weekends. Have a wonderful weekend!
I went to school for a decade with a girl named [name_f]Oriana[/name_f]! I wish I could remember her middle name—I know it was so cool.
I think a single middle name would be a sweet way to connect your oldest and youngest, especially since [name_f]Oriana[/name_f] is such a long name. If that’s not your cup of tea, I will throw in some double middle ideas as well! I also love the idea of an L middle, since all of your girls have one L middle. Could be a sweet thread to connect all of them!