Help Me Love Sylvan!

[name_m]Hi[/name_m] all!!

I need some help: [name_m]Sylvan[/name_m] is a name theoretically should like, and I do like it (kinda) but I want to love it fully!!

So please help me love Sylvan!! I think one of my main issues is I can’t decide on a pronunciation (SILL-vawn vs SILL-vin vs Sill-VAWN), so it would be helpful if you shared your fav./personal way you say it!!

Thanks so much everyone :green_heart:

sill-VAHN is how i’d say it !! i think it’s quite cool, its gentle and soft masculine sound is really appealing and the meaning is gorgeous - it makes me think of lovely moments of quiet in the forest with the sun barely peeking down from between the tree branches :brown_heart: it’s timeless, familiar but unexpected, and has plenty of nice nicknames! (i’m partial to vanya myself, but van, sunny, vee, sivvy are all so cute)

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It’s the name of a popular tutoring center/service here in the US so that’s all I think of…sorry.

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It’s the name of a very popular lake where I live, pronounced Sill-Van. Not a bad association but not a child’s name for me for that reason.

Also with what @cms1512 said, it also reminds me of [name_m]Sylvan[/name_m] Learning Centres, their ads used to be everywhere!

I totally understand why someone might see the appeal in the name if they didn’t have these references.

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Yeah, sorry! I wasn’t saying it was a bad name it just has those associations, something to be aware of! I was thinking of [name_m]Sylvan[/name_m] Learning Centers lol

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i say it like SILL-vin, and i really like it! fwiw, i think [name_m]Sylvan[/name_m] fits perfectly on your list. i mean, brothers named [name_m]Daphnis[/name_m], [name_m]Lysander[/name_m], and [name_m]Sylvan[/name_m]? perfection!

vibe wise, i’d describe [name_m]Sylvan[/name_m] as :classical_building: :crescent_moon: :evergreen_tree: :wilted_flower: :bow_and_arrow: :ringer_planet:

it’s a unique name but feels familiar due to the popularity of [name_f]Sylvia[/name_f] for girls, and it’s easy to pronounce - i think the three pronunciations you mentioned are all nice and are similar enough for it to not be an issue!


I pronounce it like the learning center, “SILL-vuhn” or “SILL-vin”. Not my favorite, but a respectable name.

A similar sound be [name_u]Sullivan[/name_u], which I prefer.

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Sil-vun is how I say it (I think SILL-vin is the same?)

Anyhow, the things I love about [name_m]Sylvan[/name_m]:

  • sleek and stylish but also woodsy, earthy and cool
  • mystical vibes but grounded sounds
  • love the look of it - the rounded beginning and end letters, the sharpness of the middle ones, a kind of tidiness about it
  • I like the way it gives me shiny, silvery, shimmery imagery, but also green forests, dewy leaves, mist amongst the trees
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I would say SIL-vuhn- and I think that’s my favourite way of saying it. I never realized there were other ways of pronouncing it!
Anyway, I love [name_m]Sylvan[/name_m], and I really think he fits with your other boys names. He’s crisp and whimsical, and has a lyrical, lilting sound to him. Feels elvish and forested- like harp music and singing echoing through the trees, liquid sunshine through the branches, moss, reflective, pensive ponds, and birdsong. Colours are gold and forest green, of course. :chipmunk: :leaves::honey_pot: :sunny: :evergreen_tree: :violin:


Thank you so much!! I love your description of him so much, and Vanya/Sunny are adorable nns!!

@cms1512 @Kibby

Oh I’ve never heard of the service and I’m from the US, but thanks for telling me!! I appreciate the input :slight_smile:


Wow thank you so much for your comment!! I think I’ve decided on the SILL-vin pronunciation as well, and I totally agree with the emojis you used to describe him!! (Also yes, he is such a great fit for that set, you’re totally right!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:)


Thanks for the input! I like [name_u]Sullivan[/name_u] as well :slight_smile:


Thank you for the notes!! I agree with your imagery for sure, and that makes me love him even more!! Thanks again :slight_smile:


Thank you so much!! I think I’m decided on SILL-vuhn as well! I love the imagery you have of him (I agree that he’s super elven in a cool way) and the emoji description just makes me love him even more!!

Thanks so much all!! :green_heart: