I need some help: [name_m]Sylvan[/name_m] is a name theoretically should like, and I do like it (kinda) but I want to love it fully!!
So please help me love Sylvan!! I think one of my main issues is I can’t decide on a pronunciation (SILL-vawn vs SILL-vin vs Sill-VAWN), so it would be helpful if you shared your fav./personal way you say it!!
sill-VAHN is how i’d say it !! i think it’s quite cool, its gentle and soft masculine sound is really appealing and the meaning is gorgeous - it makes me think of lovely moments of quiet in the forest with the sun barely peeking down from between the tree branches it’s timeless, familiar but unexpected, and has plenty of nice nicknames! (i’m partial to vanya myself, but van, sunny, vee, sivvy are all so cute)
Yeah, sorry! I wasn’t saying it was a bad name it just has those associations, something to be aware of! I was thinking of [name_m]Sylvan[/name_m] Learning Centers lol
i say it like SILL-vin, and i really like it! fwiw, i think [name_m]Sylvan[/name_m] fits perfectly on your list. i mean, brothers named [name_m]Daphnis[/name_m], [name_m]Lysander[/name_m], and [name_m]Sylvan[/name_m]? perfection!
vibe wise, i’d describe [name_m]Sylvan[/name_m] as
it’s a unique name but feels familiar due to the popularity of [name_f]Sylvia[/name_f] for girls, and it’s easy to pronounce - i think the three pronunciations you mentioned are all nice and are similar enough for it to not be an issue!
I would say SIL-vuhn- and I think that’s my favourite way of saying it. I never realized there were other ways of pronouncing it!
Anyway, I love [name_m]Sylvan[/name_m], and I really think he fits with your other boys names. He’s crisp and whimsical, and has a lyrical, lilting sound to him. Feels elvish and forested- like harp music and singing echoing through the trees, liquid sunshine through the branches, moss, reflective, pensive ponds, and birdsong. Colours are gold and forest green, of course.
Wow thank you so much for your comment!! I think I’ve decided on the SILL-vin pronunciation as well, and I totally agree with the emojis you used to describe him!! (Also yes, he is such a great fit for that set, you’re totally right!! )
Thank you so much!! I think I’m decided on SILL-vuhn as well! I love the imagery you have of him (I agree that he’s super elven in a cool way) and the emoji description just makes me love him even more!!