[name]Amadea[/name] is a beautiful, underused name, but it might sound too nice for a slightly bad girl? I think of [name]Amanda[/name] (meaning loved) and such when I hear [name]Amadea[/name], so she might just be too cute for your character? Dea is such a cute nickname as well, so maybe that’s why you’re unsure if it’s the right name…
My first thought was [name]Armande[/name], which is French, and not as pretty girl-ish as [name]Amadea[/name]… My first nn thought was [name]Army[/name] but that’s stretching it a bit far! XD You could use [name]Mandy[/name] (but that’s awfully cute!) or [name]Manda[/name] (which isn’t so cute), but that’s all I have…
I also thought of [name]Iolanthe[/name] (nn [name]Io[/name]) or [name]Ianthe[/name] (not sure about nn, maybe [name]Ann[/name], or [name]Ian[/name], although that’s traditionally a boy’s name, which might not be a bad thing… Argh!)
[name]Lileas[/name] is also one, makes me think of [name]Lilith[/name] without being [name]Lilith[/name], and isn’t that cutesy… [name]Lil[/name] would be a favoured nn over [name]Lily[/name] though, since [name]Lily[/name] brings me right back to cuteness…
[name]Nova[/name] would fit, and she doesn’t need a nickname…
[name]Phaedra[/name] also sounds bad-girl for some reason, and as I see her I’m reminded of [name]Circe[/name], mythological bad-girl who turned men into swine, pronounced sare-see, could use C (See) as nn…
[name]Romola[/name] has that deep sound I think makes a name villainous… [name]Ro[/name] is a good nickname ^^
[name]Selene[/name]/[name]Selena[/name] is also good (goddess of the moon), nn [name]Lena[/name]. I prefer the first version, but the second makes the nn more obvious…
These were the ones I noticed going through my list once… If none of them strike your fancy, or you still need more inspiration, let us know and I’ll list some more ^^
Good luck naming your characters! I know it can be a hassle, but it’s so important make the story good… And if you change your mind about [name]Silas[/name], I can help with that as well… (I’m not too fond of the name [name]Silas[/name], so I immediately thought of alternatives, a bad habit of mine… [name]Hadrian[/name] was the first to spring to mind ^^)