Help! Name my day nursery!

[name]Hi[/name] Berries!

I am opening a new day nursery but i am stuck on ideas for a name!!!
I live in [name]England[/name] so nothing too American!
In the nursery there will be 3 rooms; Jelly Babies (3m-1.5yr),Jelly Tots (1.5yr-3yr) & Jelly Beans (3yr-5yr).
Any ideas much appreciated!!

Thanks in advance!


Sticking with the sweet theme

Gummy Babes Nursery
Midget Gems Nursery
Sweetie’s Nursery

Jelly Babies Nursery
Sweet [name]Love[/name] Nursery
Growing Beans Nursrery
Jelly Belly Nursery

With Jelly Belly, you might have copyright issues since Jelly Belly is a Jelly Bean company… I would suggest Beanie Babies, but that belongs to [name]TY[/name] I think…

Jelly Beans Nursery
Jelly’s Babies Nursery
Sweet Beans Nursery

thanks for your ideas!
put a few together…

Sweet Babes Nursery
Growing Bears/[name]Baby[/name] Bears Nursery
Jelly Teddys Nursery
Sweet Hearts Nursery
Rising Rascals Nursery

what so you think, Berries?

I like Sweet Babes :smiley:

If you want to incorporate all age groups in your title, how about Babes, Tots and Beans Nursery?

Jelly Garden
Wiggle Ones
Jelly Train

thanks mischa as i’m struggling to include all ages in but at the moment i am drawn to…
Sweet Hearts Nursery
Sweet Babes Nursery

unless any other ideas, i need to pick between these two!

i’m also liking Jelly Train or something to do with jelly!!

Dainty-[name]Day[/name] Nursery

Sweet Tots Nursery

Sweetmeats Nursery

The Jelly Tots


Wiggles and Giggles

Hummingbirds and Mockingbirds (or [name]Robins[/name], Ruddocks, Larks, Storks)

Storks and Larks

I also like mischa’s suggestion Babes, Tots and Beans Nursery

how bout Sweet Babes, Tots & Beans?

thanks x

I like the jelly theme but find it a bit clunky to have each room have jelly in the name. I was thinking you could called the babies blueberries, the middle ages raspberries, and the older kids strawberries (all delicious jelly flavors) and then have the name of the whole nursery be something like Jelly Babies or Jelly Train or even Sweet Babes would work. Jut an idea…
Good [name]Luck[/name]!

[name]Love[/name] this idea Zealia! Jelly Babies sounds the best.

2nd Choice- Babies, Tots, and Beans

I opened this thinking you were opening a home-daycare. I think it’s great you are opening a larger daycare center- that’s quite ambitious. Did I read correctly that you have 4 children under age 4 and are hoping to have another in 2013 and opening a nursery? Good luck with everything! You’re going to be busy!

That’s a cool idea.
I’d probably go in a different direction and do something like Seeds, Sprouts, and Buds; and name the nursery [name]Baby[/name] Bloom

I don’t really like Babies, Tots, and Beans. Tots and Beans sounds like a meal, adding babies just makes it weirder.

Zaelia love this idea!!! Jelly Babies is lovely!! might nick that idea!!!

Thanks Zaelia I have completely fallen in love with your idea!

Blueberries(3m-18m) Raspberries(18m-3yr) Strawberries(3yr-5yr)

but which name???
i thought something with berries?
Jelly Babies?
[name]Berry[/name] Babes?
[name]Baby[/name] Berries?
Sweet Berries?

[name]Just[/name] an additional thought- might be worth adding a local location into your name. Makes it easier for parents wanting to find something in their region.
For example:
[name]Brighton[/name] [name]Berry[/name] Babies
[name]Brighton[/name] Berries

Although I would be a little hesitant to put babies in the name as some people may think you are exclusively for babies- and some fickle preschoolers won’t want to go to care where they are categorised as “babies” in the title.

Another idea:
[name]Berry[/name] Patch [name]Early[/name] Learning School

You could have room door signs with painted berries on them to match!

Thanks we are situated in Brentwood so…
Brentwood [name]Berry[/name] Patch
Sweet Brentwood Berries
Brentwood Berries Nursery

what do you think?

Brentwood [name]Berry[/name] Patch is so cute! :smiley:

I like both of these suggestions:
Brentwood [name]Berry[/name] Patch
Brentwood Berries Nursery
Slightly lean towards Brentwood Berries Nursery as it says the region and what it is (a nursery) in the title. This would be a huge plus if staff wear clothing with the logo out in public- as it will be obvious what the name means and be like advertising for your nursery.
I am picturing a cranberry or purple coloured T-shirt!
You could still call your nursery newsletter for parents “The [name]Berry[/name] Patch”.
Awww good luck with your nursery! The babies room seems to span a broad age range- most I know go to approx 1yr, then toddlers, then preschoolers. Ideally 4 rooms and have a tiny tot room too- but that means bigger premises and more staff to employ and manage.