Are there suitable nicknames for [name]Graham[/name] and [name]Gideon[/name]? I like both names, particularly [name]Gideon[/name]. I’d like my son to have another option if he doesn’t like his name. Thanks!
[name]Gray[/name] and Gid/ [name]Ian[/name]
@ninanoo had a lot of great ideas! I love [name]Ian[/name] and [name]Gray[/name]. I know someone planning to name her first son [name]Gideon[/name] nn [name]Deon[/name], to rhyme with [name]Leon[/name]… I’m not as much of a fan, but it could work.
Good luck!
I love [name]Graham[/name]. I had no idea [name]Graham[/name] could have a nn, it’s already one syllable why shorten such a short name already, kinda pointless in my mind. I love [name]Gray[/name], but it seems more like a name on its own, rather than a nn. For [name]Gideon[/name]…[name]Deon[/name]? Giddy? how bout Gman? I really don’t think there are any feasible nn’s for either one honestly. Sorry I can’t be of any help
Actually, in the UK and [name]Canada[/name], [name]Graham[/name] is generally 2 syllables. [name]Grey[/name]-um, or [name]Grey[/name]-em. I have one, 10 months old. We call him [name]Grey[/name] mostly. Though he’s a baby so he gets Greygrey, Graby [name]Baby[/name], [name]Grey[/name]-bay… it goes on.
As for [name]Gideon[/name] (it was also on our list), just Gid, or even ‘G’. Or if either of them really hate their names, there’s always the middle name, right?
[name]Grey[/name]/[name]Gray[/name] is my favorite nn for [name]Graham[/name].