Help...sister for Liam

Time is slipping away and no names feel right. I am due in [name]March[/name] and I feel like I am getting further away from the right name.
We don’t know if we are having a boy or girl…and we are having trouble with both. So I have decided to foccus just on girls names for now, and I’ll deal with the boys later :wink:
Our son is [name]Liam[/name] [name]Jude[/name].
Our last name is [name]Grant[/name].
I would like to use the name [name]Ruth[/name] or [name]Claire[/name] as a mn. [name]Just[/name] one or the other.
I’m kind of all over the place, but here are some names from our list.

[name]Alice[/name] - my husband can’t get behind this on, but I really like it
Isley - My fav and my husband likes it too, but I worry about it looking like a made up name.

[name]Even[/name] looking at this list, I’m just not crazy about any of them…other than Isley.
I would really appreciate any feed back and suggestion!!!

[name]Liam[/name] [name]Jude[/name] is handsome :slight_smile: I [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Jude[/name].

From the names in your list, my favourite would be [name]Molly[/name] or [name]Alice[/name]. [name]Molly[/name] [name]Ruth[/name] [name]Grant[/name] and [name]Alice[/name] [name]Claire[/name] [name]Grant[/name] are darling :slight_smile: [name]Maisie[/name], [name]Romy[/name] and [name]Ellie[/name] are cute but seem too nick-namey for a full name, [name]IMO[/name]. [name]Sidney[/name] is a boys’ name and [name]Marley[/name] seems rather trendy. [name]Lydia[/name] is lovely but then you’d have two ‘L’ names and run the risk of being stuck in a theme. This may not bother you however, if not [name]Lydia[/name] [name]Ruth[/name] [name]Grant[/name] is beautiful. Isley is interesting. I haven’t heard it before but it’s rather pretty :slight_smile: Is it ‘EYE-lee’ ? Isley [name]Ruth[/name] might be nice…

[name]Hope[/name] this was helpful! Good [name]Luck[/name]:slight_smile:

  • [name]Charlie[/name]

[name]Liam[/name] [name]Jude[/name] is gorgeous! So handsome and classic with a bit of and edge, and I think his sibling deserves an equally wonderful name!

I think both [name]Claire[/name] and [name]Ruth[/name] would make lovely middles but my personal favourite is [name]Ruth[/name]. To me it has the same old school cool facotr as [name]Jude[/name].

To me, [name]Marley[/name], [name]Ellie[/name], [name]Sidney[/name] and Isley don’t match [name]Liam[/name]'s style for various reasons. [name]Marley[/name] will forever be associated with [name]Bob[/name] [name]Marley[/name] and now, a dog lol. [name]Ellie[/name] is too nicknamey to me, but I would like it as a nn for [name]Elle[/name], [name]Ella[/name], [name]Eloise[/name], [name]Eloisa[/name], [name]Eleanor[/name], [name]Eleanora[/name], [name]Elodie[/name] etc. [name]Sidney[/name] is a boys name to me especially spelt this way, and more of an old mans name than a boys name even! And Isley does seem a little made up sorry, where does it come from? I’m not a big fan of [name]Isla[/name] but it is a pretty name, maybe you’d like that?

I’ve never been a fan of [name]Maisie[/name] really as it seems very babyish and cutesy to me. [name]How[/name] about [name]Mabel[/name], [name]Esme[/name] (pronounced Ez-may maybe?), [name]Margot[/name], [name]Margaret[/name], [name]Marguerite[/name] etc nn [name]Maisie[/name]? I think [name]Mabel[/name] [name]Claire[/name], [name]Esme[/name] [name]Ruth[/name] or [name]Margot[/name] [name]Ruth[/name] in particular are gorgeous!

I adore [name]Romy[/name] and want to use it myself but personally I’d only use it as a nn for something else. [name]How[/name] about [name]Rosemary[/name], [name]Rosemarie[/name], [name]Ramona[/name], [name]Romilly[/name], [name]Romana[/name], [name]Romia[/name], Romelia, [name]Romina[/name] or [name]Rosamund[/name]?

[name]Molly[/name] I really like for some reason even though I’d probably never use it myself, I think it’s because it reminds me of the little girl in the film [name]Annie[/name]! And I think [name]Liam[/name] and [name]Molly[/name] make a nice set. [name]Both[/name] [name]Molly[/name] [name]Ruth[/name] and [name]Molly[/name] [name]Claire[/name] sound nice too. I think I’d go for [name]Molly[/name] [name]Claire[/name] though because to me, [name]Molly[/name] [name]Ruth[/name] sounds a little like a “[name]Jim[/name]-[name]Bob[/name]” style double name! Lol.

[name]Alice[/name] is gorgeous but if your husband doesn’t like it, I don’t think there’s any point pushing it on him. It would be perfect with [name]Liam[/name] though and you could use the nn [name]Allie[/name] which is very close to [name]Ellie[/name]. Maybe he’s prefer; [name]Alyssa[/name], [name]Alessia[/name], [name]Elise[/name], [name]Alina[/name], [name]Alette[/name], [name]Elsa[/name], [name]Elisa[/name] or [name]Elspeth[/name]?

So that leaves [name]Lydia[/name], which to me is the stand out on your list by far! It’s beautiful, classic, interesting. It has a feminine feel but isn’t frilly and still feels strong. It’s old fashioned but also feels modern. I love [name]Lydia[/name]! [name]Lydia[/name] [name]Ruth[/name] would be amazing with [name]Liam[/name] [name]Jude[/name]. The only concern is locking yourself into an “L” name theme for any future children but I don’t think it would be a big deal to have two children with L names and one without personally.

Other suggestions you may like:


And you seem to like “ee” ending names so how about:


Best of luck!

Wow, thank you so much for your feed back and suggestions!!
I’m glad that you like [name]Liam[/name] [name]Jude[/name] - I really love my sons name, and I really want to find a name I love as much.
I know some here won’t like this…but the name Isley (eye-lee) came from the name [name]Eilidh[/name]. I don’t like to change the spelling of names, but I really like it and feel that Isley is the only way I can use it. So, it is a made up name - but I feel like it has a familiar feel to it. I’m still undecided about how I feel about it.
I think that generaly I prefer names that are already shortened - nn names - which explains some of our choices!! :slight_smile:
Also, my husband prefers names that are more familiar - he loves [name]Emma[/name], but we can’t use it because good friends have a little [name]Emma[/name].
From the suggested names, I like

[name]Esme[/name] - really like this too, but it was used by a friend!
[name]Margot[/name] - I don’t know how it sounds with our last name - double g sound

Thank you for the suggestions…I would love to hear more-I need all the help I can get!!! :slight_smile:

[name]Happy[/name] to help :slight_smile:

Another issue I have with the Isley spelling which I should have mentioned is that I immediately thought of The Isley Brothers. Now obviously it’s spelt the same but they pronounce the S in theirs so I think that would be a common mispronounciation. Also it reminds me of [name]Eileen[/name] which although I hade a lovely great-aunt with that name, is not one of my favourites! I probably do prefer the [name]Eilidh[/name] spelling even if it causes some spelling issues. I guess it seems more authentic, but I always thought it was pronounced AY-lee not EYE-lee. I could be wrong but that’s how nameberry has it.

Others you may like that remind me of Isley/[name]Eilidh[/name]; [name]Ailsa[/name] (Scottish place name), [name]Ayla[/name], [name]Elaina[/name], Isola (Italian word for Island, also a name meaning set apart), [name]Aileen[/name], [name]Eilis[/name]/[name]Eilish[/name] (eh-LEESH), [name]Eimear[/name] (ee-mer, similar to [name]Emma[/name]), [name]Eirian[/name] (Welsh name pronounced ay-ree-[name]ANN[/name]), [name]Eithne[/name] (pronounced En-ya, one of my favs!), [name]Eila[/name] (Hebrew name meaning oak tree).

[name]Emma[/name]'s lovely too. If [name]Emma[/name]'s out, how about [name]Emmeline[/name], [name]Emilia[/name], [name]Amelia[/name], [name]Amalia[/name], [name]Amelie[/name]?

Ok, I’ll try to make some more general suggestions now I know a little more about your taste!:

[name]Tessa[/name] (technically a nickname and I love this one!)

A few nickname names (or nickname sounding names):

[name]Milla[/name] (as in [name]Camilla[/name])
[name]Thea[/name] (one of my favs!)

[name]Hope[/name] that helps give you some more ideas to add to your list!