Hello! My cousin is currently pregnant with a baby girl (they’re naming her [name]Aurora[/name]). However, there have been heaps of complications with this pregnancy and there have been plenty of times where it has appeared that she would lose the pregnancy. She has nearly made it to her due date though, and so even if the baby is born early she will probably live (her main problem was going into labour too early).
She hasn’t had time to think of middle names, she has been so stressed out, and so asked for my help.
I think a name with the meaning of something to do with being strong, or a fighter, or enduring would be appropriate considering the ordeal they have been through!
It also has to flow nicely with [name]Aurora[/name]. Can you please help?
I’m sorry, I didn’t realize that [name]Aurora[/name] was going to be the baby’s first name. Ignore all of my suggestions - they don’t sound good with [name]Aurora[/name].
[name]Aurora[/name] [name]Maude[/name] is so cool. [name]Love[/name] [name]Charlie[/name]'s list.
I love the name [name]Aurora[/name] [name]Grace[/name].
My daughter and I both had a lot of complications when she was born. I named her [name]Grace[/name] because it means a “gift from God, God’s salvation”. After her rough start I felt that she was truly God’s gift.
Also, everyone knows the meaning of “[name]Grace[/name]” without having to pull out a baby book.