I am due my 2nd girl in december and i already have decided on the middle name which is after my nan [name]Louise[/name] so it has to go with the middle name also i want it to sound good with my first daughter [name]Bella[/name]-rose i have some names mostly b but i also like names with good meanings to
These are the names i have so far
[name]Berry[/name] louise
[name]Beeja[/name] louise
Biba louise
Bluebel louise
[name]Mena[/name] louise (means love)
[name]Bessie[/name] louise
[name]Betsy[/name] louise
[name]Vienna[/name] louise
[name]Florence[/name] louise
I hope u can help with some more ot tell me which on you think is best thanks nameberriers
[name]Hi[/name] Annaboo, congrats on your second daughter. From your list, I like [name]Florence[/name] [name]Louise[/name] best with [name]Bella[/name]-[name]Rose[/name]. Personally, I would avoid another name with a “B” initial as I wouldn’t want to get boxed into a naming pattern if you have any more children in the future. Here are some other suggestions (since I don’t know your surname so I’ll just give you some names that would go with [name]Bella[/name]). I hope you like one of them. Good luck, [name]Mischa[/name].
[name]Berry[/name] louise- I never liked the name [name]Louise[/name], but I feel that [name]Berry[/name] dresses it up for me. Pretty name.
[name]Beeja[/name] louise- Not feeling it.
Biba louise- I can only pair this name up with Buba.
Bluebel louise- My favorite from your list. I never heard of Bluebel as a name. I would be excited to know a little Bluebel.
[name]Mena[/name] louise (means love)- Not my style.
[name]Bessie[/name] louise- Too old fashion.
[name]Betsy[/name] louise- Same as [name]Bessie[/name].
[name]Vienna[/name] louise- It’s a decent name
[name]Florence[/name] louise- Sounds like a solid name. This is my second favorite.
What about something like [name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Louise[/name] and calling her [name]Birdie[/name] as a nn for [name]Elizabeth[/name]? So many B nicknames for [name]Elizabeth[/name]…
[name]Betsy[/name], [name]Bessie[/name], [name]Bess[/name], [name]Betty[/name], [name]Bette[/name]…there are probably 20 more!
I personally wouldn’t use another “B” name but it sounds as if that’s what you want to do, so I suggest [name]Briony[/name] / [name]Bryony[/name] [name]Louise[/name]. I think that’s a gorgeous name