
We are having a little girl and are very close to her arrival. We are between two names. [name]Sylvia[/name], nn [name]Sylvie[/name] OR [name]Quinn[/name]. [name]Both[/name] are very different. [name]Sylvie[/name] is more classic, [name]Quinn[/name] more quirky. Thoughts?

[name]Do[/name] you have any middle names? [name]Sylvia[/name] [name]Quinn[/name] and [name]Quinn[/name] [name]Sylvia[/name] both work. I would wait to see her and decide which one she most looks like or how she seems to you.

If you’re torn, go with the classic; it leaves far less room for regret. [name]Sylvia[/name] is a beautiful name!

And, while I think there are probably better matches as a mn for [name]Sylvia[/name] in terms of style and flow, if you really can’t let go of [name]Quinn[/name], there’s nothing wrong with [name]Sylvia[/name] [name]Quinn[/name]; it actually has a nice ring to it (depending on what your last name is, of course.)

I prefer [name]Quinn[/name]. I honestly don’t see [name]Sylvia[/name] as a classic in the same way I might [name]Stella[/name] or [name]Eleanor[/name] - I can’t decide if I see it as dated, but I do appreciate its vintage quirkiness. [name]Sylvie[/name] is cute alone, but I just don’t like [name]Sylvia[/name]. It reminds me of this elderly woman who baked bread for the neighborhood when I lived in [name]England[/name] as a child…

[name]Quinn[/name] will be nice with a longer last name, like [name]Quinn[/name] [name]Olivier[/name] or [name]Quinn[/name] [name]Montgomery[/name]. [name]Quinn[/name] [name]Victoria[/name] sounds pretty to me, but [name]Quinn[/name] [name]Sylvia[/name] doesn’t. I agree that [name]Sylvia[/name] [name]Quinn[/name] works well, as does [name]Sylvie[/name] [name]Quinn[/name]…

I really like the idea of [name]Sylvia[/name] [name]Quinn[/name]! :slight_smile: Like JLM (at least I think it was JLM) said, I think you’ll have less room for regret with [name]Sylvia[/name]. [name]Quinn[/name] is becoming popular on girls, and I’ve already met three little girls named [name]Quincy[/name].

Another factor: What’s the style of your other favorite names? If they’re mostly vintage or classic and you’re planning on future children, that’s another reason you may want to go with [name]Sylvia[/name], but if they’re modern names like [name]Quinn[/name], [name]Quinn[/name] may be the best bet for you.

Whichever you choose, I think they’re both nice names. :slight_smile:

Good luck!

[name]Sylvia[/name] is beautiful! hands down winner for me, I prefer [name]Quinn[/name] on a boy.

[name]Sylvia[/name]!!! It’s gorgeous, and one of my favorite names ever! [name]Quinn[/name] will not only become dated in the future (since surname names and boy’s names on girls are part of a huge trend), a girl [name]Quinn[/name] will constantly be mistaken for a boy. I would so much rather have a classic, pretty name with a cute nickname than a masculine sounding boy’s name.

I have to say that I like [name]Sylvie[/name], not [name]Sylvia[/name] so much. But this isn’t about me, you honestly really torn…couldn’t pick one over the other??

I reckon, on the presumation that you would consider more children, you look at other possible names that you like and see whether that makes one of them stand out more. For instance, you may find that you like other older names like [name]Martha[/name], [name]Charlotte[/name], [name]Henriette[/name], [name]Stanley[/name], [name]Arthur[/name] which don’t really go with [name]Quinn[/name] so [name]Sylvia[/name] would be the more sensible choice. On the otherhand, if you like other ‘trendy’ names, [name]Quinn[/name] would be the choice.

Have you thought about [name]Queenie[/name]? I think this is a good mix of old and quirky - nn [name]Quinn[/name].

Thank you so much! This really helps.

I really like [name]Quinn[/name]! It’s fresh and quirky.
To me, [name]Sylvia[/name] is ok, but i much prefer [name]Quinn[/name]

I love [name]Sylvie[/name]…very pretty and refreshing…
[name]Quinn[/name] is cute…
[name]Sylvia[/name] is nice and a classic…but seems a bit dated still…

I too prefer [name]Sylvie[/name] over [name]Sylvia[/name] but I can understand using [name]Sylvie[/name] as a nickname for [name]Sylvia[/name]. I am not fond of [name]Quinn[/name] personally. As the poster above mentions it is helpful to consider present or future sibsets when deciding on which direction, classic or modern, to go in as that will likely influence future decisions.

love [name]Quinn[/name] very cute slyvia remind me of the overweight mom on the nanny

I prefer [name]Sylvia[/name] personally. I agree with previous posters that [name]Quinn[/name] will become a dated name for a girl.

Here’s a thought: If you go with [name]Sylvia[/name] [name]Quinn[/name], you can always call her by her middle name if you so desire, but she’d have a formal official first name to fall back on.

Good luck to you!

I prefer [name]Quinn[/name], but I too was going to suggest and agree with possibly naming her [name]Sylvia[/name] [name]Quinn[/name] and going by her mn, giving her a “formal/classy” name to fall back on.

I vote for [name]Sylvie[/name]. That’s the cutest girls name I’ve seen all day.