Hidden Rule

Name Wordle’s weird sister game. Based on several games with concealed rules, with a few elements from full name games/picky parents. Though this isn’t for full names, just given names. The Gamemaster will have a concealed rule that names have to follow. They will not say the rule, and the only way other players can try to find the rule is by guessing with a name. The gamemaster will say “Valid” if it follows the hidden rule or “Invalid” if it breaks the hidden rule. Anyone can guess the rule, although it’s recommended to wait until a few Valid/Invalid names are posted. If you guess correctly, you become the next Gamemaster with a hidden rule. If you guess incorrectly, you can still play, but you have to suggest at least 1 name afterward before making a new guess. Gamemasters may not say what the hidden rule is, but can hint if someone’s guess is close. You may always redo the round if a Gamemaster accidentally reveals or if too many people have guessed incorrectly.

  • ADDITIONAL RULES: Your hidden rule can be anything from “has to have a double vowel” to “in a book title” though be careful as some people may not know certain pop culture. It doesn’t necessarily have to be easy, but please don’t make it extremely specific. It doesn’t have to be hard either, just as long as it’s not something that every name follows. And please don’t be biased and make it, “Good names are valid and bad names are invalid” (or vice-versa) - let names be welcome.


Player: [name_f]Marissa[/name_f]?

Gamemaster: Valid!

Player: [name_m]Jeremy[/name_m]?

Gamemaster: Valid!

Player: [name_m]Doug[/name_m]?

Gamemaster: Invalid

Player: [name_f]Ava[/name_f]?

Gamemaster: Valid!

Player: Does the name have to have a letter repeat somewhere?

Gamemaster: Yes! You are the new Gamemaster!

So I hope you understand (or catch on lol). I will start as the Gamemaster and the next person has to suggest a name.



And thanks! :smiling_face:

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Is it names that end in A?

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Yes queen! You’re the new Gamemaster!

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Yay amazing!! I have a new rule :slight_smile:

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[name_m]Jasper[/name_m] is valid!!


[name_m]Otto[/name_m] is not valid
