Hindi name pronunciation

I am interested in the name [name_f]Avani[/name_f]. I heard of a little girl with this name recently so started looking into it.
[name_f][/name_f]What I am mostly trying to decipher is what syllable is accented? Nameberry says the first syllable, the IRL girl said it with the second syllable accentuated.


Especially interested if anyone has knowledge of the original/legitimate Hindi pronunciation. But also would like to hear what your natural inclination is.

No Hindu roots but I’d pronounce it Uh-vah-knee at first glance, emphasis on the second syllable.

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i’m partly south asian, but not hindi; i’d say the second syllable is accentuated

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Not [name_f]Indian[/name_f], but learning Sanskrit!


I know multiple Avanis, all who have stressed the second syllable. In the Sanskrit root word Avanī, the third syllable has the emphasis and is drawn out over two syllables!


It’s definitely most common to stress the second syllable, so I would go with that. [name_f]Avani[/name_f] is so[name_f][/name_f] beautiful and a recent addition to my own list!!


I’ve met two people named [name_f]Avani[/name_f] who both say it as AHV-nee!! I also would understand uh-VAWN-ee if I heard it!


Best of luck :slight_smile:


The Hindi spelling is अवनी- I plugged it into Hindi text to speech (narakeet.com) and it sounded like A-vuh-nee, emphasis on first syllable.

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I know an [name_f]Avani[/name_f] and she pronounces it ah-VAH-nee

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Not [name_f]Indian[/name_f] but the [name_f]Avani[/name_f] I met pronounced in A-vuh-nee / AWVH-nee

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