Hit or miss?

I recently came across the surname Aaronson in a book and instantly fell in love with it as a first name! I wanted feedback from some Berries before I approached my husband, so please, tell me what you think! Does the name translate well from surname to first name? Have you ever met anyone with this name? What traits come to mind? Is it too…out there? [name]Love[/name] it, hate it, or somewhere in between?

Thanks so much! :slight_smile:

I like the sound but the -son gives it a trendy feel that I don’t care for. I think it does work though, and have never heard of one before.

[name]Don[/name]'t really care for it. I love the name [name]Aaron[/name] (as well as several surnames as first names: [name]Sullivan[/name], [name]Jackson[/name], etc) but Aaronson is just too much of a surname to work upfront.

I love [name]Aaron[/name], and I love -son names, but Aaronson isn’t really one of them, sorry. It’s just too much, I think. What about something like [name]Aaron[/name] [name]Grayson[/name]/[name]Aaron[/name] [name]Emerson[/name]/[name]Grayson[/name] [name]Aaron[/name], nn Aaronson? I think that’d be a bit safer and I do like it quite a bit more…

Good luck!

I think it works, although an Aaronson might constantly be asked “Is that a family name?”

I’m not a huge fan of [name]SON[/name] names, to be honest. While Aaronson could work, it feels like a bit of a mouthful for a first name. [name]Aaron[/name] is quite handsome, though.

I think it’s really, really silly. With [name]Aaron[/name] being so popular on its own it just doesn’t work for me and comes off really trendy and ridiculous. [name]How[/name] about [name]Anson[/name]?

[name]Aaron[/name] is a solid name, Aaronson I don’t like as a first name at all. I’m not a fan of 99% of the ‘…son’ names, the vast majority feel like strictly LN or MN, and this one more than most (and this name would mean ‘son of [name]Aaron[/name]’ which is strange to me unless he really would be the son of someone named [name]Aaron[/name]). And with [name]Aaron[/name] being so common and well recognized on it’s own, it feels strange, like a Lucasson or Calebson or something. Seems just like a ‘son’ tacked on the back for a little extra trendiness.

I agree with these sentiments. It does come off very trendy and the “-son” names are pretty played out ATM. [name]Anson[/name] is a great substitute.

My first reaction is to think: why not just [name]Aaron[/name]???

I would consider [name]Aaron[/name] or Aronson, but not Aaronson.

I personally dislike the surnames as first names trend. I would suggest [name]Anders[/name] instead. I think [name]Anders[/name] is quite nice.

I think plain old [name]Aaron[/name] (which I like) is fine the way it is! It irks me when people try to find really odd variations to common names to try and make it more special. Unless it was a family name I would just stick to [name]Aaron[/name].

I think it could work, although i’m not a fan of it. The name [name]Aaron[/name] is perfectly fine the way it is

Thank you for the feedback! You all have voiced a lot of my fears about the name, so it’s scratched off my list. Surnames are my guilty pleasure! :slight_smile: