What do you ladies think of the name [name_m]Russell[/name_m] for a baby boy?
Does it make you think of an old man or could it be “cool” for a little baby boy?
It is a name that I always disliked, but now it’s starting to really grow on me.
I would appreciate your honest opinions. Thanks so much.
I love [name_m]Russell[/name_m]! It sounds strong but also very friendly. Of course I do have a positive association with it, haha, [name_m]Russell[/name_m] [name_m]Wilson[/name_m] (QB for Seattle Seahawks). It doesn’t seem dated or old man at all; if anything it’s a charming and revived classic.
Thanks so much for you kind answer and honest opinion!
[name_m]Russell[/name_m] was the name of tons of my friend’s dads in high school, so a middle-aged man in the 90’s often going by [name_m]Russ[/name_m] and [name_m]Rusty[/name_m] is all I envision! If I met a little kid with the name I’d assume he was named after his grandfather. It is not a comeback name in my opinion, but if you love it then use it!
I know one [name_m]Russell[/name_m], about 30. He is particularly sweet, kind and generous. I think the name is strong and sensitive.
Thank you for your wonderful replies!
I really like it. I think it would be especially gorgeous on a red-head (I was actually thinking about this earlier!)
I love [name_m]Russ[/name_m] for short, too - it feels tousled and effortlessly cool like [name_u]Joss[/name_u], [name_m]Cas[/name_m], [name_u]Jess[/name_u], [name_m]Rufus[/name_m]. I’m in the UK so I’m not getting a dated vibe from it like some of the other posters, but [name_m]Russell[/name_m] has never been especially popular here so it’s by no means a “dad name” to me.
I like it. It’s not quite grandpa cool, but I don’t know any [name_m]Russell[/name_m]'s. I do have a friend with the last name [name_m]Russell[/name_m] though, so I wouldn’t use it. I like soft names, and this fits the bill.
I like it a lot. I kind of have 2 images of it; one is stylishly old-fashioned and dignified - kind of an early 20th century statesman (no doubt influenced by the senator the [name_m]Russell[/name_m] Senate Office Building is named after). The 2nd image is timelessly youthful - like [name_u]Ryan[/name_u] or [name_m]Luke[/name_m] or [name_m]Timothy[/name_m]. None sound new, but all sound young. Good luck.
I have an uncle named [name_m]Russell[/name_m]. He lived with us for 4 years till my parents realized he was doing drugs in our house, he kicked in my back door, has been in and out of jail, and killed a man cause he was drunk driving a boat. It’s a nice name but I wouldn’t name my kid [name_m]Russell[/name_m] because thats what i think of.
I can’t put my finger on why but i actually adore [name_m]Russell[/name_m]! I’m happy to see it getting some love.
I love the name [name_m]Russell[/name_m]! It’s been on my list for years now. I think it’s great.
I’ve always like [name_m]Russell[/name_m]. A great name that works for any age boy.
Thank you for your honest opinions and kind replies! [name_m]Russell[/name_m] will definitely stay on the top of my list.
Honestly, I think of it as a surname, but I think that it could work as a first name, - it sounds strong but friendly.