Honest opinion on Amulet?

Okay so in a name group on Facebook I said how I love this for a name and I got hard core made fun of. I love it because it sounds whimsical and it’s similar to Amethyst (which I love the sound of but personally not for a name that I would use) I know an amulet is an object, but so are stone names and nature names and animal names that people love. I don’t want you to tell me what you think it want to hear, just honest opinions and if you think it would be usable or not?

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Honestly, Amulet has always been one of my favorite words for all the whimsical, mystical connotations that go with it. I think it is a beautiful word, and if [name_f]Amethyst[/name_f] can be a name, I don’t see why Amulet can’t be. It shares a lot of sounds that are hot for names right now. It is a bit daring, but I wouldn’t say it’s totally unusable…


I like it! One of my favorite girl names used to be Locket and I feel like it’s of a similar vibe to Amulet! It definitely feels useable and if the child ever felt it too odd then [name_f]Amy[/name_f] or [name_m]Ames[/name_m] would be perfectly acceptable nicknames that no one would bat an eye at!

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I think it can work! Personally I wouldn’t use it but it takes a bit of daring and bravery to use a brand new name. I can imagine it as the name of a book or movie protagonist :purple_heart:

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I do think it has an appealing sound, and I like that amulets are objects of beauty and some mystery. It does feel like a slightly different category to nature names or even certain word names. It’s more of a man made thing as opposed to a flower, stone, trait, or occupation. However, I would be pleasantly surprised to meet one, and I’d use it in the middle!

i think it works fine! it’s like a mashup of [name_f]Amethyst[/name_f] & [name_f]Evolet[/name_f] - if it weren’t for actual amulets i think it’d be an established name already tbh.


Not my personal cup of tea. I like Amethyst a bit better.

I love it! Object names are becoming more and more popular, I’ve even seen people use names like Sock recently. I think it especially works since amulets are full of beauty, mystery, and power. It gives me similar vibes to names like [name_m]King[/name_m] and [name_m]Pharoah[/name_m]. I also think it works well because there are a lot of nickname options so if in the future she felt like her name was too bold she could go by something like [name_f]Amy[/name_f] or [name_f]Lettie[/name_f].

I like it. It is a bit bold, but not too much compared to some other name trends. I like it better than [name_f]Amethyst[/name_f]. It has a pretty sound and kind of a witchy vibe.

[name_f]My[/name_f] honest opinion is I don’t like it at all. Makes me think of a museum display case or something [name_u]Indiana[/name_u] [name_m]Jones[/name_m] is tracking down.

I actually quite like Amulet. It had a pleasing and namey sound

It’s not really my style, but I can see the appeal. It had a mystical vibe and contains some fashionable sounds in names.

It’s beautiful and I love it, but it might not work for a child. I would suggest using it for an animal. For some reason a black axolotl comes to mind (I don’t even know if black axolotls are a real thing that actually exists) but it also seems suitably mystical for a black cat. Ooh yeah I might add that to my list of cat names… [name_u]Or[/name_u] make a character called Amulet, [name_f]Lettie[/name_f] for short… the possibilities!!
And what about [name_m]Talisman[/name_m] for a boy? He could be Lettie’s brother. [name_f]Lettie[/name_f] and [name_u]Tallie[/name_u]. And they were named that because of their father being on the run from people in my other world who are already an established group… This situation calls for intense squealing of the kind found only when stumbling upon a new story idea or watching the Avengers Endgame portal scene.

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I honestly think Amulet as a name is weird. To me, it’s just a word and I can’t really see it as a name for a human so I don’t think Amulet is useable.

I think as a first name it’s a bit too out-there for me, like celebrity baby name out-there.
As a middle name, it works.

I do like Amulet, [name_f]Amethyst[/name_f] and Locket and other weird, but kind of cute names, but I would kind of draw line when it comes to manmade object. I kind of can see [name_f]Amethyst[/name_f] in society, but I can only see Amulet and Locket as names that would draw problems or shock. People are mostly nice here, but here community are pretty open to lots of things.

Hmm…I like the sound, but I think it’s too broad of a word. Whereas all amethysts (and other natural things) are recognized as pretty, an amulet, like a pair of earrings, a sofa, a car, etc. can be special and beautiful or tacky or creepy or–you get the point. Unless you’re referencing a specific amulet, I’d hesitate to use such a generic word, pretty though it may be.

I think it sounds cool, but I can’t actually picture someone with that name for real. I prefer [name_f]Amethyst[/name_f], [name_f]Amoret[/name_f] or [name_f]Ayelet[/name_f]. :slight_smile:

You know what? I think it’s rather fresh and delightful and I like the way it rolls off the tongue. You could always pair it with something a little more toned down for balance:

Amulet [name_u]Vivian[/name_u]
Amulet [name_f]Margery[/name_f]
Amulet [name_u]Ellery[/name_u]

[name_u]Or[/name_u] not, lol:

Amulet [name_f]Zephyrine[/name_f]
Amulet [name_f]Eiluned[/name_f]
Amulet [name_f]Ursula[/name_f]

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I personally don’t find it usable or appealing, sorry. :confused: I think it sounds clunky, but I do see the magical appeal. The wearer could always fall back on [name_f]Amy[/name_f] as a nickname if they found it too difficult of a name in adult life.