Honest Opinions and Suggestions for my boys list

[name_m]Hi[/name_m] Berries,
I’m looking for some brutally honest opinions on my list since some of the names on there I’m not to sure about so feel free to suggest some other options. But to avoid me saying the same things popularity doesn’t bother me and I live in Australia.
[name_m]Eamon[/name_m] (ay-mon)
[name_m]Tiago[/name_m] (tee-ar-go)

Thank you

I adore/love:


[name_m]Eamon[/name_m] - I have never heard this, so it is hard to decide. It isn’t my style and it has a feel-like the name [name_m]Edmund[/name_m]. It isn’t awful, it just isn’t my favorite!

[name_m]Hayes[/name_m] - I really like this name! Super cute, and to me, rustic.

[name_m]Tiago[/name_m] - Again, never heard it. I wouldn’t use it, but it isn’t terrible. If you want me to be honest, it reminds me of tigger. I don’t know why!

[name_m]Cooper[/name_m] - This is a cute name! I don’t love it just because of people I have met named that, but obviously that doesn’t effect you.

[name_m]Lawson[/name_m] - Super cute! Definitely usable!

[name_m]Archer[/name_m] - I like this one! It’s my second top boys name on my list!

[name_m]Lincoln[/name_m] - This is cute! I like it a lot!

[name_m]Asher[/name_m] - This is totally an adorable hipster name in my opinion! [name_u]LOVE[/name_u] [name_u]LOVE[/name_u] [name_u]LOVE[/name_u] it!

[name_u]Alfie[/name_u] - Cute. Not my style, but it is cute. I think a great alternative would be [name_m]Archer[/name_m]!

[name_m]Baxter[/name_m] - I’m sorry, but this doesn’t interest me.

[name_u]Taylor[/name_u] - I like it! Very proper in my opinion.

[name_u]Flynn[/name_u] - I really like this! Another option is [name_u]Finley[/name_u], nn [name_u]Finn[/name_u].

[name_m]Lewis[/name_m] - Is this a family name? I don’t like it, but older names aren’t my cup of tea at all.

[name_m]Fletcher[/name_m] - Ooh, I love it! I have liked this one for a while now!

[name_m]Jack[/name_m]- Very cute! [name_u]Love[/name_u] it!

[name_u]Harley[/name_u] - THIS is sooo cute!

[name_u]Brooklyn[/name_u] - I could not use that for a boy. To me it is [name_m]WAY[/name_m] to feminine.

[name_u]Regan[/name_u] - Usable, but to me, girly names on boys sound snotty.

[name_m]Drake[/name_m] - I am not a fan.

[name_u]Spencer[/name_u] - Cute! I like it a lot!

In general, I feel really bad sharing honest opinions on names because overall, if I met a kid named that, it wouldn’t matter. But, since you asked. :slight_smile:

[name_m]Eamon[/name_m] - I like this, I just said it so many times over that I started to sound like I was saying Hey [name_m]Man[/name_m], in a Jamaican-Raggae accent. But I do like it. :smiley:
[name_m]Hayes[/name_m] - I like the sound, but it does make me think of the word haze.
[name_m]Tiago[/name_m] (tee-ar-go) - It’s nice, not saying it can’t work as a FN, but would be a nice middle.
[name_m]Cooper[/name_m] - [name_m]Don[/name_m]'t like this. I get a “dog-name” vibe from this, not sure why? Maybe it’s from the Nintendo Animal Crossing game? Or The [name_m]Fox[/name_m] and the Hound (although that’s [name_f]Copper[/name_f] so…)
[name_m]Lawson[/name_m] - Not a fan.
[name_m]Archer[/name_m] - This is nice.
[name_m]Lincoln[/name_m] - [name_u]Love[/name_u] it, especially with the NN [name_m]Link[/name_m].
[name_m]Asher[/name_m] - I’ve always been a fan of this name.
[name_u]Alfie[/name_u] - Kind of surprising, but I actually like this. People will definitely wonder if it’s short for something though, well in the U.S at least.
[name_m]Baxter[/name_m] - No. [name_m]Buster[/name_m] [name_m]Baxter[/name_m]. (I know I keep relating my dislike to personal associations that probably don’t matter to you, but [name_m]Arthur[/name_m] is the only thing I think of. :smiley: )
[name_u]Taylor[/name_u] - I’m neutral on this. It’s ok and I don’t hate it.I’ve have lots of classmates male and female with the name so I guess it seems kinda dated?
[name_u]Flynn[/name_u] - [name_u]Love[/name_u] it!
[name_m]Lewis[/name_m] - Again neutral. I have a friend with this last name so it’s kind of weird, but beyond that it’s a fine name.
[name_m]Fletcher[/name_m] - I’m unsure about this one it’s really cool, but can’t decide if I like it or not. It’s definitely useable.
[name_m]Jack[/name_m] - It’s ok.
[name_u]Harley[/name_u] - Beyond the [name_u]Harley[/name_u] [name_u]Quinn[/name_u] association (I do not like or watch Batman, but still) I really like it on a boy.
[name_u]Brooklyn[/name_u] - I’ve only ever seen this for a girl and I’ve never liked it. I’m actually kind of liking it for a boy, but probably only as a middle.
[name_u]Regan[/name_u] - I think of the president, but since you’re in Australia that doesn’t really matter. Separating myself from that…I like it.
[name_m]Drake[/name_m] - I immediately think of the Disney [name_f]Channel[/name_f] show. I’m neutral on it.
[name_u]Spencer[/name_u] - Nice.

[name_m]Eamon[/name_m] (ay-mon): I like this one! I’d be thrilled to meet a little [name_m]Eamon[/name_m].
[name_m]Hayes[/name_m]: Strikes a perfect note of handsome and sweet. [name_u]Love[/name_u] it
[name_m]Tiago[/name_m] (tee-ar-go): Cute, and pretty wearable
[name_m]Cooper[/name_m]: Not a fan. I can’t get over the “coop” part.
[name_m]Lawson[/name_m]: This strikes me as more of a suitable surname than a given name.
[name_m]Archer[/name_m]: Very sleek and strong
[name_m]Lincoln[/name_m]: Not really my style, it falls a bit flat.
[name_m]Asher[/name_m]: Gorgeous! The meaning is wonderful too
[name_u]Alfie[/name_u]: My first thought is that everyone will assume his name is [name_m]Alfred[/name_m], but I think that may be more of a [name_u]North[/name_u] American thing. Either way, it’s sweet, but maybe too sweet?
[name_m]Baxter[/name_m]: Similar to [name_m]Lawson[/name_m].
[name_u]Taylor[/name_u]: Very nice. It’s gentle and warm
[name_u]Flynn[/name_u]: I’m probably in the minority here, but I don’t really like [name_u]Flynn[/name_u]. It reminds me of “phlegm”. Obviously that’s a personal thing, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it!
[name_m]Lewis[/name_m]: Definitely a dusty name where I am, but that may not be the case in Australia
[name_m]Fletcher[/name_m]: I like it. Reminds me of [name_m]Archer[/name_m]
[name_m]Jack[/name_m]: One of my favourites! Very handsome, classic, and down-to-earth
[name_u]Harley[/name_u]: In my accent, it sounds harsh, but would sound much better in an Australian accent.
[name_u]Brooklyn[/name_u]: Huh. I think I actually like this more on a boy than on a girl. Be warned, though, it’s almost completely feminine in [name_u]North[/name_u] [name_u]America[/name_u], if you were ever to move/visit.
[name_u]Regan[/name_u]: I like this a lot!
[name_m]Drake[/name_m]: I don’t like this very much. It sounds harsh and unpleasant.
[name_u]Spencer[/name_u]: [name_u]Love[/name_u] it! It sounds aristocratic to me, I’m not sure why

Other suggestions:

I hope this was helpful and I really hope I didn’t come across as rude with my feedback. You have a lovely, classy taste in names.

I really like [name_m]Cooper[/name_m], that’s my son’s name

Thank you to everyone whos suggested everything so far. [name_f]Every[/name_f] [name_u]Regan[/name_u] I’ve met (except one but her siblings had mostly masculine names too) has been a boy so I can’t see it on a girl, it’s more common for boys in Australia.

@auroralights, I really like [name_m]Ronan[/name_m] but I worry it’s too connected to [name_m]Ronan[/name_m] Keating in Australia

[name_u]Love[/name_u] as First Names:

[name_m]Archer[/name_m] - I love the nn [name_m]Archie[/name_m] and this is a great alternative to [name_m]Archibald[/name_m] (which I don’t like)
[name_u]Alfie[/name_u]- I have a soft spot for [name_u]Alfie[/name_u], it’s such a cute name.

Like as First name:

[name_m]Lewis[/name_m] (although I prefer the [name_m]Louis[/name_m] spelling)

Like as a middle name:

[name_m]Tiago[/name_m] (tee-ar-go)

[name_m]Just[/name_m] [name_m]Don[/name_m]'t like:

[name_m]Baxter[/name_m]- To me this just sounds like a name for a pet.
[name_u]Harley[/name_u]- For some reason I don’t like any ‘Har’ names (e.g [name_f]Harlow[/name_f] and [name_u]Harper[/name_u]) I think the ‘Har’ just sounds to harsh to me. Probably because of words like Harsh and Hard.
[name_u]Brooklyn[/name_u]- it’s boring to me! However it is fine on a male (think [name_u]Brooklyn[/name_u] [name_m]Beckham[/name_m])
[name_u]Regan[/name_u]- Meh.
[name_m]Drake[/name_m]- OK as a stage name!

[name_m]Fletcher[/name_m] - never cared for before, but it’s growing on me…

[name_m]Eamon[/name_m]- Not a fan of this. All I can think of is the singer with the explicit song.
[name_m]Hayes[/name_m]- This is cute!
[name_m]Tiago[/name_m]- Not a fan.
[name_m]Cooper[/name_m]- Cute but doesn’t age well in my opinion.
[name_m]Lawson[/name_m]- [name_u]Love[/name_u] this!
[name_m]Archer[/name_m]- Handsome, but not my favorite.
[name_m]Lincoln[/name_m]- [name_u]Love[/name_u] this name. Very handsome and I adore the nickname [name_m]Link[/name_m].
[name_m]Asher[/name_m]- I have never cared for this name.
[name_u]Alfie[/name_u]- I like this as a nickname for [name_m]Alfred[/name_m].
[name_m]Baxter[/name_m]- Personally think this is a dog name.
[name_u]Taylor[/name_u]- This is cute.
[name_u]Flynn[/name_u]- Not a fan, makes me think of phlegm.
[name_m]Lewis[/name_m]- Cute! I prefer [name_m]Louis[/name_m].
[name_m]Fletcher[/name_m]- Handsome.
[name_m]Jack[/name_m]- Cute.
[name_u]Harley[/name_u]- My dog is called this so I can’t see it as a name for a person.
[name_u]Brooklyn[/name_u]- This name is tacky in my opinion.
[name_u]Regan[/name_u]- This is alright.
[name_m]Drake[/name_m]- This is alright.
[name_u]Spencer[/name_u]- Cute.

I love:


[name_m]Archer[/name_m] - When I first thought of it, it was as a modern alternative to [name_m]Arthur[/name_m], another of my favorites.
[name_m]Lincoln[/name_m] - [name_m]Linc[/name_m] is an awesome nickname!
[name_m]Baxter[/name_m] - I’ve always liked [name_u]Dexter[/name_u] and [name_m]Bastian[/name_m], so it fits right in for me.
[name_u]Harley[/name_u] - Always loved it, even it’s starting to be thought of as a feminine name, in the US at least.
[name_u]Spencer[/name_u] - One of my old favorites that I think I’ll always have soft spot for.
[name_m]Jack[/name_m] - Such a classic name, it’s impossible to hate it.

[name_m]Fletcher[/name_m] - I wasn’t sure about it until I met a [name_m]Fletcher[/name_m] a few years ago and it grew on me.
[name_m]Eamon[/name_m] - I like it! It’s [name_m]Edmund[/name_m] without running the risk of being called [name_m]Ed[/name_m] or [name_m]Eddie[/name_m].
[name_m]Tiago[/name_m] - I think I prefer the spelling [name_m]Thiago[/name_m], but this one is more phonetic, so either way, very cool!
[name_u]Flynn[/name_u] - I love [name_u]Finn[/name_u], but the more popular it gets, the more appeal I find in [name_u]Flynn[/name_u].
[name_m]Lewis[/name_m] - It’s a nice name, and I prefer this spelling to [name_m]Louis[/name_m].
[name_m]Asher[/name_m] - Out of all the [name_u]Ash[/name_u]- names, either [name_m]Asher[/name_m] or just [name_u]Ash[/name_u] are my favorites.

[name_u]Alfie[/name_u] - I still can’t get into [name_m]Alfred[/name_m], but [name_u]Alfie[/name_u] is starting grow on me!
[name_m]Hayes[/name_m] - Never heard it as a first name, not sure if I like it as one.
[name_m]Cooper[/name_m] - Not sure about this one, but it does feel very cheerful!
[name_u]Taylor[/name_u] - I knew a lot of Taylors growing up in the 90s, so it’s dated to me.

[name_m]Lawson[/name_m] - I think just [name_m]Law[/name_m] would be my preference.
[name_u]Brooklyn[/name_u] - I love [name_u]Brook[/name_u], but I’ve never liked [name_u]Brooklyn[/name_u].
[name_u]Regan[/name_u] - I’d recommend surname [name_u]Reagan[/name_u] over female [name_m]Shakespeare[/name_m] character [name_u]Regan[/name_u], but I’m not really a fan of either.
[name_m]Drake[/name_m] - Reminds me of the rapper, unfortunately; I might like it otherwise.

It seems like your list consists mainly of occupational names and surnames. If you want more suggestions, nameberry has lots of lists that might help you!