Honest opinions of Ryker?

I’m interested in people’s honest thoughts on the name [name_m]Ryker[/name_m]. [name_u]Baby[/name_u] is due in 10 weeks and I think we’ve decided on [name_m]Ryker[/name_m] [name_m]Joseph[/name_m].

Actually, my sister-in-law had a [name_m]Ryker[/name_m] [name_m]Joseph[/name_m] in [name_f]February[/name_f]! I’ll be honest, it is not my favorite name and I was a little leery of it when they announced it. BUT it has grown on me a lot and it fits their little family perfectly. I think it’s a very on-trend name and he is the only [name_m]Ryker[/name_m] I know!

There’s a [name_m]Ryker[/name_m] in one of the kids’ classes at my church, but he’s the only one I know. I find the name kind of harsh sounding and it puts me in mind of artillery, tanks, etc, for some reason.

It does sound pretty harsh to me. But it could be cute on a rambunctious little boy!

I’m not a fan at all.

Is there a reason?

I do not know anyone with this name. But I think if I had an actual boy to associate with it, I would like it more than I do now. It has a somewhat harsh sound. That said, it could be a spunky, unique, fun name!

You could also consider [name_m]Ryder[/name_m]. It has a softer sound, but is still very masculine and quirky. Good luck!

I like [name_m]Ryker[/name_m]. It makes me think of the [name_f]Star[/name_f] Trek: The Next Generation character, [name_m]William[/name_m] T. [name_m]Ryker[/name_m].

I know a toddler named [name_m]Ryker[/name_m] and he’s spunky and adorable! Go for it!

We actually did consider [name_m]Ryder[/name_m] for a short period of time, but Paw Patrol sort of ruined that for us!

I think the sound is OK, but it makes me think of Rikers Island which is pretty bad in terms of name associations.

This. Anyone who has spent time near NYC, or who watches a lot of [name_m]Law[/name_m] & Order, is going to think of the jail, unfortunately.

I think prison.

There is a [name_m]Ryker[/name_m] in my son’s class at daycare and I cannot get past the prison association either :confused: It is a different name that I have been hearing a lot more of lately. That said, if it feels right to you I would go for it! Naming is so SO very personal and it is often difficult to describe our fascination with a particular sound/style. Good luck!

It feels harsh and aggressive to me. And I do get the prison association too.

this. I would love to use [name_m]Ryker[/name_m] for this reason, but unfortunately it doesn’t sound good with my last name. (can’t use anything that has an “er” ending)

I like it. It’s the name of one of my nephews.

It’s agressive and makes me think of prison. Like its on the same association level of Alcatraz. And I don’t even live anywhere close to it, it’s just in a lot of shows and movies. It’s not something I would want to be named.

I think of the prison. Names like [name_m]Ryker[/name_m] are machismo & seem to be a reaction to the boys-name-on-girls trend. Parents turning toward aggressive, hyper-masculine names that won’t get “stolen” by girls.

I actually really like it a lot! I lean towards stronger names. Usually when I read these forums I cringe at the names but [name_m]Ryker[/name_m] is cool.