How bad are these initials?

So as we’re tossing around names for our [name_f]February[/name_f] baby :blush:, we have stumbled across the unfortunate downside to having a surname beginning with S.

So a boy’s name we’re considering would have the initials T.P.S. (do you think toilet paper or am I waaaaay overthinking this?)

And one of the girl names, which is probably worse, would have the initials P.M.S.

Which one or both or neither of these do you think should be avoided?

Any and all input welcome (Yes, we do know to avoid [name_m]Arthur[/name_m] Samuels as well for obvious reasons…)


:sparkles: :heart_eyes: :sparkles:

I’ve heard TP as a way of saying toilet paper, but only here on NB during (non-name) Halloween related discussions! In the UK it isn’t an acronym that’s used so far as I know. I appreciate that’s fairly irrelevant to you as you are in the US!

Initials are so annoying, there’s virtually no combination that’s negative association free! Best to ignore it where you can. PMS though, that is a difficult one for a girl (or maybe anyone)! Would her middle initial be used much? Thinking about school, I only knew my classmates first and last names. Is it different where you are?

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I can’t see any issues with T.P.S - I wouldn’t think of toilet paper.

Maybe P.M.S would give me pause, but tbh, I so rarely see my initials written out like that, Idk if it’s such a big deal. I guess, if it otherwise feels like the name and nothing else compares, go for it, but if there is something else, maybe put that higher up the list to be safer than sorry?

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I think TPS is totally fine! I haven’t heard anyone use anything other than just TP, but even that seems rare these days.

PMS should not be used in my opinion unfortunately. Especially for a girl. People are cruel about PMS and make it into a joke as is, so a middle schooler and high schooler with those initials would not be great


“TPS” is completely fine as far as I know. “pms” I would avoid if possible. same with a$$ :joy:

TPS is fine. I would definitely avoid PMS.

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[name_m]Reading[/name_m] your title I was definitely expecting the initials to go either spelling something immature or a curse word. So seeing TPS made me feel very relieved because I definitely don’t see them as bad initials

I also don’t see TPS as toilet paper and wouldn’t have thought much of it had you not mentioned it. TP on its own makes me think toilet paper, and unless you’re planning to call your kid by their first and middle initial, I also don’t see it as an issue. I think majority of people when writing out their initials either do first middle and last name or just first and last

As for PMS I mean it’s not terrible but it probably isn’t the best for a girl (guess it would be better than your son having PMS lol)

That said for both initials honestly I would just consider using a second middle name if it really is a worry for you guys. That way you can keep the names you love right now and add a little extra one you also like

And if 2 middle names is a deal breaker, then I don’t think either initials are anything to worry about. Kids don’t go by their initials and most people don’t know your middle name unless it’s brought up. I doubt your kids’ initials will be much of a topic they’ll have to constantly discuss

Don’t stress (easier said than done I know) but you’re doing great, you care about your kids and how they’ll feel with their names which is more than a lot of parents do, and at the end of the day go with what you love because TPS and PMS are not the worst initials out there


Echoing what others have said, TPS totally fine, doesn’t make me think of toilet paper at all.

PMS on a girl though…I’d possibly avoid that one? There can be so much sexism around PMS and the idea of women being ‘emotional’. You could throw in an extra middle name? :rofl:

Though in reality, how often are the initials PMS really ever going to be written that way? More likely to be P. [name_m]Smith[/name_m] or whatever, and when initialling documents she could just write P.S.

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[name_f]My[/name_f] thoughts…

TPS :+1:
PMS :-1:


I think T.P.S. and P.M.S. are both fine. I’ve never seen someone’s first name, middle name and last name initials written out or said out loud. I have heard that some schools sometimes use them to mark things like paintings. I would only worry about it if it’s something very obviously bad, like your ass example.
First name initial, middle name initial and last name is often used (like A.W. Smith), so I would keep an eye on the initials of the first and middle name together.

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I only think of the TPS reports from Office Space but it wouldn’t deter me.

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Fine for TPS
No to PMS

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I think people fail to recognize how often middle names are actually incorporated into every day life. I have 5 kiddos, and my experience has been that once they’re in elementary school, middle initials/names are virtually ignored and unknown. [name_f]My[/name_f] son even had an elementary school graduation last week and they handed out a program with all the children’s names on it, but it was only first and last… no mention of a middle name or initial.

If TPS or PMS make you feel uncomfortable, definitely switch it up, but I can tell you from experience that approximately no one will know their middle initial once they’re out of diapers. :slight_smile:

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I dated a guy once whose initials were STD :flushed: I don’t pay attention to initials too much unless they’re extremely obvious lol

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TPS is acceptable.
PMS I would avoid.

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I think TPS is just fine. Could be similar to GPS, TP, etc. they can be acronyms but I don’t think it’s so in your face about it that it could be a problem

I think pms for a girl is okay because eventually she might change her last name. I also knew a couple girls that had initials pms, but didn’t really become aware of it unless they shared their middle name

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Congrats on your [name_f]February[/name_f] baby! :blush:

The only one I would consider a dealbreaker may be PMS. TPS wouldn’t bother me. PMS is a lot more obvious imo

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TPS: I wouldn’t think twice about this one. I don’t think about toilet paper at all. Plus, the shortened initials are TS which is also fine.

PMS: I would notice this one. I think it is still doable if you love it, but I would change the middle initial if it were up to me. The shortened initials of PS are really cute though :blush:

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I think this is completely fine. I wouldn’t notice and even if you monogram the initials are
PSM would be the monogram for the other name.
Definitely avoid something that spells something negative (as you are) but various initials of any kind could potentially maybe mean something eventually.

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TPS: I wouldn’t even blink an eye at. nothing to worry about here!

PMS: I would notice this one and I’m a little iffy on it. It may come up at least once or twice in her life, but because it’s the girl’s name and she may change her LN one day and because middle initials aren’t used all that often, I think it’s doable. Plus, I voice pp’s thoughts that PS are adorable initials on their own.

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