What does it make you think of? How do you like it? What vibes do you get from it? [name_f]Do[/name_f] you get the same vibes from a nickname like [name_m]Tobe[/name_m] or [name_m]Toby[/name_m]?
I love [name_m]Tobias[/name_m]
I think [name_m]Tobias[/name_m] is gorgeous! Such a lovely name that feels cosy, warm and has an autumnal feel. The imagery surrounding [name_m]Tobias[/name_m] for me is a little curly haired, caramel coloured skin boy with the biggest brown eyes grinning as he kicks fallen leaves whilst wearing an oversized knitted jumper. I think [name_m]Toby[/name_m] adds to this imagery he’s such a sweet nickname so adorable whereas [name_m]Tobe[/name_m] feels a little more distinguished buttoned up style. I strongly prefer [name_m]Toby[/name_m]. Anyways adore this name I have [name_m]Tobias[/name_m] [name_m]Felix[/name_m] [name_m]Rhodes[/name_m] on my list
I like it! I’d probably just call him [name_m]Tobias[/name_m] tbh or maybe Toad.
I always think of the character from Arrested Development, which is a negative as far a naming a child. [name_f]Love[/name_f] [name_m]Toby[/name_m] though.
I think of [name_m]Tobias[/name_m] as a pretty well-to-do name and I like the name even though that’s not my background at all! [name_m]Toby[/name_m] has more friendly, everyman vibes. I see both as green, outdoorsy names. I love the unusual To- sound beginning. [name_m]Tobias[/name_m] and [name_m]Toby[/name_m] are both wholesome and sweet to me
I like [name_m]Tobias[/name_m] - I can’t beat Tori’s description, but I see him as growing into a handsome, sporty, somewhat serious/earnest, dark haired chap.
I prefer [name_m]Toby[/name_m] as the main nn but in Australia, he would get [name_m]Toby[/name_m], Tobes & possibly [name_m]Tobe[/name_m] from different people and in different contexts.
I LOVE [name_m]Tobias[/name_m] but not a fan of [name_m]Toby[/name_m] at all. Not sure why, just doesn’t sit well with me. I used [name_m]Tobias[/name_m] as a middle name for my guy instead I get strong vibes from [name_m]Tobias[/name_m], world changer, big personality, kind.
[name_m]Tobias[/name_m] is a traditional, gentle, charming and very handsome name. It sounds happy!
[name_m]Tobias[/name_m] and [name_m]Toby[/name_m] sound sweet. [name_m]Tobe[/name_m] has a more serious tone. I prefer [name_m]Toby[/name_m] as a nickname, but I can imagine it on an adult.
I think [name_m]Tobias[/name_m] sounds like a very handsome boy name
I like [name_m]Tobias[/name_m]! I think it is underused. [name_f]My[/name_f] brother goes by [name_m]Toby[/name_m] (totally unrelated to his given name) so that is my vote for nn!
[name_m]Tobias[/name_m] is so handsome. It’s been on my list forever, but I probably won’t get to use it because my partner doesn’t like it. I’m not a huge fan of the traditional nicknames, so I would have to get more creative. Overall, [name_m]Tobias[/name_m] gives me warm, caring, and studious vibes.
[name_m]Tobias[/name_m] is a great name! I like the nickname potential it has and that it isn’t overly popular but still recognizable. I get the same vibes from [name_m]Toby[/name_m] as well!
[name_m]Tobe[/name_m] makes me think of Toad so I picture a frog
[name_m]Toby[/name_m] makes me think of This Is Us because one of the major characters on that show is named [name_m]Toby[/name_m]. I liked the character though so it makes me like the name more.
When I think of the name Tobias, I think of my great-great-grandfather who brought his family to America all the way from Ukraine in 1914. He was called Toby by the way.