How Do You Make Your Name Lists!

How do you keep track of your favorite names or names you’re considering for kids? We already have a son and are starting to try to conceive again! I have a name list we used for my son, but I want to start fresh and rework the names I had on my list. Before, I just had a Google [name_m]Doc[/name_m] with a bullet pointed list of boy names and a bullet pointed list of girl names. Eventually, We had a top 10 and I had them in order of favorite to least favorite. Then I moved all the names we didn’t use to “archives” on the bottom of the doc.

How do you keep track of your names? Is there an easier or more creative way to list them all? Where do you find most of your inspiration on growing your name lists? What’s your process?

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I try to dedicate certain notebooks to name lists, but end up filling random pages in almost all my other notebooks with names regardless!

I also make lists on my phone and text them to a thread I have for myself (I just text my own number whenever there’s something I want to remind myself of.)

I use “Notes” on my iPhone as well sometimes to organize my names. And also the list section on my Nameberry account.

I find inspiration anywhere I see names pop up (books, I used to scour movie credits, sidewalk etchings, look through literary characters, look over nature center plaques, think of poetic meanings and use the advanced search tool to find names with those meanings, songs, etc. Most of all, I find inspiration in the words and teachings of [name_m]Jesus[/name_m] [name_m]Christ[/name_m], and in the lives and teachings of God’s faithful prophets of the Old Testament and faithful apostles of the [name_u]New[/name_u] Testament writings, as well as the truths and beauty of His creations as observed on a daily basis in my life.

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At the moment, I’ve just got a word document with a namebank on it - every name I like listed in alphabetical order.

In terms of combos, my favourites are on the same document

Before kids, I had a listography. Now I am 2 kids in with only enough time to pee in peace, I use notes on my iPhone lol. I just have a set list I’ve loved for what feels like forever and then I added another list below of names I’m liking currently.

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I’m old-fashioned; I have a collection of paper lists in a garish old [name_u]Lisa[/name_u] [name_m]Frank[/name_m] folder which dates (as do some of the lists :smile:) from when I was about seven.
I have a list from each pregnancy to which I’ve referred back in subsequent ones. It works :woman_shrugging:

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[name_u]An[/name_u] excel document with several tabs for different lists. Plus a bunch of word documents with “for fun” lists. Plus a few paper lists that I make when I’m bored and far away from a computer, and sometimes copy into the excel sheet later. I like the excel sheet because I can put data about number of letters, amount of syllables, origin etc. and then order by whatever I like without having to manually type them up in a different order.

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I used to use the notes app on my phone, then I moved to listography, and now I use a spreadsheet! The spreadsheet has columns for gender, origin and meaning and I can sort and filter, honestly I wish I’d done it sooner because it’s so easy to use.

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