I’ve seen this name a lot here on Nameberry. I’m just wondering exatly how it’s pronounced? Is it [name]Bree[/name]-O-nee or [name]Bree[/name]-[name]AH[/name]-nee? Or maybe I’m totally off??? If you know how to pronounce [name]Bryony[/name], please help me out. THANKS!!!
I actually really wondered this too and everywhere I search it’s pronounced [name]Brian[/name]-ee, as in the boy’s name [name]Brian[/name] with the ee sound following. I personally thing [name]BREE[/name]-ah-nee is way prettier but oh well!
I’ve always pronounced in [name]BRI[/name]-ahn/ohn-eee
A bit like [name]Brian[/name] with and -ee sound at the end, although I’m very picky about the o being pronounced like an o and not an a!!!
I don’t like it with the [name]Bree[/name] beginning but I’d use [name]Bree[/name] as a nickname
yeah I know a couple of [name]Bryony[/name]'s and it is pronounced [name]Bri[/name]-ohn-y
Wow! Sounds like a name that has lots of issues with pronunciation! Some of the ways to pronounce it are prettier than others for sure. Not sure that I’d want to use a name that is so confusing though.
It is pronounced [name]Bri[/name]-ohn-ee…
It seems that most of you agree that it’s [name]Bri[/name]-ohn-ee. I do have another question though… Is it [name]BRI[/name]-ohn-ee or bri-OHN-ee? Thanks for all the help everyone!!!
Another vote for “[name]BRI[/name]-ohn-y”. I actually like the spelling [name]Briony[/name] better, just throwing that out there.
My friend in [name]England[/name] has a daughter named [name]Bryony[/name] and pronounces it ‘BRY-ohn-ee’. She said it was after the plant.
I think this is the way that it gets pronounced in that movie “Atonement”, although is spelled [name]Briony[/name] in this instance, at least according to imdb.
This name has never really appealed to me because of the pronunciation issues - ‘[name]BREE[/name]-an-ee’ sounds nicer to me but doesn’t seem right when the plant it’s taken from is pronounced the other way, well at least in [name]England[/name] anyway.
[name]BRI[/name]-owe-knee. I prefer it spelt [name]Briony[/name] too.
isn’t it BYE-[name_f]RO[/name_f]-NEE??
I just want to toss out that I recently met a [name_f]Bryony[/name_f] who pronounced her name [name_f]Bree[/name_f]-oh-nee. Apparently it’s mispronounced regularly (probably because, as the majority of responses have indicated, the conventional pronunciation is different than her own), and she often introduces herself as “[name_f]Bree[/name_f].”
[name_m]Ive[/name_m] met two Bryonys and they pronounced their names like [name_f]BRI[/name_f]-an-ee or [name_f]BRI[/name_f]-oh-nee (the bri is pronounced like it is in [name_m]Brian[/name_m])
This is a 6 year old thread, but it’s [name_f]Bri[/name_f]-oh-knee. [name_f]Bri[/name_f] like the beginning of [name_m]Brian[/name_m] or to rhyme with rye.
Exactly Br-eye-oh-nee