How do you pronounce Matias? šŸƒ

Another pronunciation question!
How do you pronounce the name [name_m]Matias[/name_m]?
Itā€™s my brotherā€™s name, and he gets irritated at having to explain to everyone how to pronounce it right.
We say Muh-tee-ehs.
Others have said Muh-Tae-us, Muh-tie-us, or Muh-thy-us.

I pronounce it exactly as your family does!


I say MAH-tee-us!


In this spelling, mah-TEE-as or MAH-tyas.


Iā€™d say Muh-tee-us!

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My instinct was ma-TIE-us like Matthias but I can see why Iā€™m wrong, if thatā€™s any consolation :sweat_smile:

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Iā€™d say ma-TEE-uhs or ma-TY-uhs and would probably ask the person before assuming one of the two.

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Mat-ee-us would be my go to, but Iā€™ve also heard it said Muh-tieā€“us

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I say it this way! Iā€™d never really heard the name before I watched Frozen II, which has a character called Matthias. Anna pronounced his name ā€œmuh-tee-ehs,ā€ so thatā€™s now my default. Lol!

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I would instinctively say muh-tie-us because thatā€™s the only way Iā€™ve heard it pronounced, but I can see how it can be pronounced muh-tee-ehs

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