How do you pronounce Selene?

I’ve always pronounced [name]Selene[/name] as seh-leen but recently I came across a site listening the pronuciation seh-lee-nee (which I’m assuming is the original Greek pronunciation). I’ve never met anyone in real life with the name so I was wondering how most people pronounce it.


“Seh-lee-nee” would be my default pronunciation, but I wouldn’t be at all surprised to meet someone who pronounced it “seh-leen.” I think both pronunciations make perfect sense given the spelling – though the original Greek was the name of the moon goddess, which is a lovely, serene association.

I would intuitively say Seh-leen also, however I find Sell-len-ee to be a prettier way of saying it, though it is incorrect I would think.
In general, I’m in favour of the proper pronunciation, so if that is seh-lee-nee, I would go with that, or not use the name, or change the spelling as a very last resort.

I’ve always pronounced it Seh-leen, like [name]Selena[/name] without the a.

Seh-leen as well. I’ve never heard of the other pronunciation but I’d believe it’s a legit way to say it.

I have always said seh-LEEN, as well. I was prepared to defend the seh-LEEN pronunciation but I just looked it up on and it lists the original Greek characters that make up the name… I took a year of ancient (Koine) Greek in college (I’m a dork, lol), and with the characters they listed, the pronunciation indeed would be seh-lee-nee.

If you would like the seh-LEEN pronunciation, what about the spelling [name]Celine[/name]?

I’d pronounce it seh-leen, just like [name]Marlene[/name] is mar-leen, not mar-lee-nee.

“Seh-lee-nee” is the Greek mythological pronunciation and the one I like the best.

I’ve always thought it was pronounced suh-leen! Well, its always nice to learn something new :)!

Its pronounced Suh-leh-neh…

I would say Seh-leen. I will have to look into it more as I do love this for it’s Greek Mythology history and a PP said …