How does E.J. sound as a nickname for a boy?

Is E.J. too effeminate? (Would you think it was a boy or girl?)
Too geeky?
Would you assume it was for a “junior”?

I like [name]Edmund[/name] [name]Johannes[/name] ([name]Johannes[/name] after [name]John[/name]), but not crazy about [name]Ed[/name] or [name]Ned[/name] and can’t use [name]Teddy[/name]. I like the idea of nickname [name]Eames[/name]. Also wondering what impression E.J. would give.

So, just let me know your gut reaction to E.J. please!

[name]Ed[/name] or [name]Eddy[/name] would seem more masculine to me, but I don’t think it’s blatantly effeminate. Though it does surprise me that an “initials” nickname would be short for something as old-fashioned and formal as [name]Edmund[/name] [name]Johannes[/name]… I’d expect him to be [name]Eli[/name] [name]Jayden[/name] or something like that.

I like E.J. I knew a guy called E.J. and he was a really nice guy. His full name was [name]Elton[/name] [name]John[/name]. I’m not kidding!

EJ is great and definitely sounds all boy to me. I am, however, partial to initial nicknames so I’m a biased judge. [name]Eames[/name] is a fun nickname as well. You can’t go wrong with either!

Oh, please choose [name]Eames[/name] as a nn for [name]Edmund[/name] [name]Johannes[/name]. I’m not a fan of initial nicknames at all. I’m going to be blunt because you asked what impression E.J. gave: (1) it sounds somewhat juvenile; (2) it gives the impression of someone who is uneducated and from a lower class (harsh but true) and (3) most importantly, it would not translate well into adulthood. [name]Eames[/name] is unusual, distinguished and classy and I can see it on a boy, teenager and adult male. It’s just a matter of preference I guess. All the best!

I agree with all of this. [name]Eames[/name] is much cooler and classier than E.J. Good luck :slight_smile:

Yes, [name]Eames[/name], or even in a pinch E, much cooler and classier than EJ, which definitely sounds like a nickname for a junior and definitely none too classy. But your full name is great!!

EJ is fine. I’m not a fan of [name]Eames[/name] (maybe because i’m not sure I’m saying it right?) I know two boys, one called AJ and another called PJ. They’re both adorable! (Friends of my five and a hal year old son.)

When I picture an EJ, I picture a cute kid playing baseball. When I picture an [name]Edmund[/name], I see a man in a tuxedo with a brief case in his hand, checking his watch frequently has he walks through the city.

I think EJ is acceptable for a kid and teen, and when he’s an adult he can always turn to [name]Edmund[/name]/[name]Eames[/name]/[name]Ed[/name]/[name]Eddie[/name] if he doesn’t like EJ anymore.

I like [name]Eames[/name] over EJ…I know an adorable little guy named [name]Eames[/name]! And he is all boy!

I’m really not a fan of initials for a nn, personally, but that aside my second thought was that it sounds a little too close to BJ, which could lead to teasing. Maybe not, but that’s what I thought of.

Thank you for the feedback! I like [name]Eames[/name], better, too, and am intrigued by [name]Pam[/name]'s suggestion of just “E.”

I have absolutely no idea how to pronounce [name]Eames[/name]. The E.J I knew was about 35+ so I have no trouble picturing it on a fully grown man. He used to go by his real name every so often. I’m a fan of nns that are just first initials, such as B, L, K, J etc. Everything except H, E and P - all street names for well known drugs in my hood!

[name]Eames[/name] is definitely cool and interesting, but if the concern is about EJ being effeminate, to me this is reversed. [name]Eames[/name] is definitely boyish enough and I do think that would be the default assumption, but surnames are anyone’s guess these days and I think there’s a TV character [name]Eames[/name] who’s a woman on one of the [name]Law[/name] and Orders. To me, EJ is all boy. I can see the critiques others are giving about EJ but to me it’s perfectly fine kid and teen. I knew one in high school, a smart, sensitive guy.

No [name]Ed[/name] or [name]Ted[/name], hmm? Can you use the middle name for nns? [name]Joe[/name], [name]Jack[/name], and [name]Hans[/name] all come to mind.

Best of luck!

Hello. Call him by a name you really enjoy saying. If it is E.J. that fits, then so be it. [name]Johann[/name] is a very distinguished sounding name though. Would that work?