How many people in the world have your name? Awesome site!

Use this site to search how many people have your first name, your last name, and both your first and last name! It will also tell you what percentage of those people are female/male. You may think that a name is common but perhaps it isn’t so common after all. Pretty interesting!


I’m the only one! I’m not surprised, though, because I have a rare first name paired with two rare to average last names.

Very cool…there are 75 people in the US with my full name, but only 4 when I put the name I actually go by!

265 with my full first name (I assume this goes by SSA lists so most of them would have the same full name and not my nickname). 10 with my soon to be married name. Only one of my fiance! :slight_smile: He has a somewhat rare last name (most people you’d meet with his last name are probably related to him) and a somewhat uncommon first name ([name]Ross[/name], it’s never been super popular). My first name is ridiculously popular ([name]Jennifer[/name]).

730 of me in the U.S.

890 of my twin sister, so quite close really.

3,119 of my older brother, [name]John[/name].

363 of my other older brother, [name]Peter[/name].

292 of my dad and 630 of my mom.

36,154 with my first name, 364 with my last name, 1 or fewer with both :slight_smile:

There are 108 people with my first and last name. That explains why I had such a hard time creating an email address with just my name in it!

Well its only in the USA, not the whole of the world, and there is only one person with the same name as me, and it isn’t me as I don’t live in the USA!

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There are 161,906 people with my first name, 17,212 with my last name and 9 people with my full name

70,736 of me which didn’t suprise me at all.

1,572 of hubby. I thought their was less!

1,572 of DD1 aswell! That’s amazing.

4,716 for [name]Eden[/name].

1,572 for babyaswell! Can’t believe that.

3 of us have the exact same amount of popularity.
That’s amazing. :slight_smile:

1,572 with my first name.
391,182 with my second name.
2 or fewer with my full name.

There are 44 of me (I was expecting more) and 212 of my husband

3,794 people with my first and last name in the USA! Given that I had the number one first name for several years and my last name is in the top ten last names, this does not surprise me…but almost 4,000 people with the exact same name? Wow! Crazy!

If the site is correct, only two people in the US with my full name and last name. So there is one other copy of me out there somewhere xD

Sorry to clarify, this site is for names in the united states not the whole world! haha but still interesting :slight_smile:

Only one with my name and last name. But 21 with my first and soon to be last name. Very interesting… Maybe I should keep the maiden name :slight_smile:

133,620 with my first name.
Fewer than 117 with my last name.
1 or fewer with my full name (uh, definitely 1!)

My last name is legally the conjugated feminine form, not very common in the US. If I use the male form of it, then there are 7,193 with my last name and 3 with my full name. :slight_smile:

@Lineska. I think I might have you beat. ( since this is so clearly a competition. <wink>).

There is one or fewer with my fn & ln in the US. (Well clearly at least one).
[name]Even[/name] if I de-italianize my last name to a more common last name with it’s traditional spelling there are only 2 people in the US.

For those of you who don’t know my fn is [name]Alexandra[/name] so it’s not particularly unique.
I found a few others word wide with my exact fn & ln spelling - but once you add my two middle names I really am the only one.

7,860 with my first name
295,763 with my surname
7 with both.

I wonder if there’s one that’s actually worldwide rather than just USA based?

With my current lasagnas name there are 4 of me, with my soon to be last name there are 356 of me. That’s what I get when I go from a last name near the 7,000 mark to the 38th.
There’s 525 of my fiance, 123 of our future son’s name and 2 of our future daughter’s name (regardless of which one we pick).