How to combat writer's block

I have been working on one story for well over a year now and I’m not even half way through. It’s one that I’m very excited about-- I love the characters and where I’m taking them by the end, I just have no idea how to get them there. I write a few paragraphs at a time and then drop it for months because I don’t know how to continue. I don’t want to leave it unfinished, but I don’t know how to finish it, either.

How do you all overcome writer’s block? [name_f]My[/name_f] go-to has always been work on a mini-project in the meantime to keep my creativity flowing, but then I get too wrapped up in that project to get back to the main one. Any ideas on what to do other than distract myself further? :sweat_smile:


Following this for tips :eyes:


Ok, this here’s stuff that has helped me, but I need some tips too because aaaaaaaaa sometimes words refuse to come.

I have the same problem (getting stuck b/c I don’t know what comes next). What sometimes helps me is to mentally prep myself before hand. Like if you have a vague idea about the scene, think about what events to happen (maybe the characters need to develeop a plan, or go somewhere). But sometimes I still just DON’T KNOW where the heck the story is going. Trying to write a different scene instead works part of the time.

Also, what I try to do is writing “sprints”. I sit down and set a timer for 15 minutes and type until it goes off. Sometimes it’s hard, and I stop when time’s up. But if I’m actually getting into it, I continue.

Idk. I’m a noob writer, so I’m not really qualified, but I hope this helps?

Edit: got these tips from watching Sara Lubratt and Brandon Sanderson on Youtube


Oh my goodness gracious I am having the exact same problem right now! Here’s what I like to do/have heard of that works:

  1. If you’re showing up, which it sounds like you are, sometimes it’s best to take a break. Just step back, talk to someone about it, go on a long car ride, go for a walk, take a shower…
  2. If you are showing up and you want to write, here’s some other ideas:
  • Maybe you’re scared to write what comes next. Write it even if it sucks.
  • Maybe you don’t know what should come next. Get a piece of paper and dump all of the possible things that could happen.
  • I also agree with sprints. So helpful.
  • Shut of all distractions. Butt in chair. Shut off the internet. Lock yourself in a concrete bunker in Siberia.
  • Listen to music!
  • I saw somewhere that you overcome writer’s block by writing. So write! If you aren’t having fun writing, write what you love! Remember why you write!
  • Skip to the “fun” part and fill in the “boring” stuff later.
  • If you write on the computer, write the next scene longhand. If you write longhand, type on the computer.
  • Change POVs just to see it from a different perspective.
  • I know this is kind of a “distraction”, but hammer out more about your characters. Fill out a profile sheet, answer questionnaires. Sometimes, and I speak from personal experience, it really helps.
  • Believe in yourself! You’ve got this!

I hope this helps; just throwing ideas out there! :blush:
Now I shall go write!


I agree with writing sprints, I’ll set a word limit, (ex;250 words) and a ten minute timer, and I’ll try to get it done. I also try to listen to music for inspiration, create a playlist for my characters or the story, and I’ll listen to that.

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I also have trouble with writing block. So this thread is really helpful. For me what usually happens is that I get an idea for a new story, make up some characters and then don’t feel like writing the actual story. I love making up characters, their names, personality, but have a hard time starting the story. Starting the story is just really hard for me. Where do I begin? What will the first sentence be? How will I get readers hooked and how will I introduce the story? I always have trouble with these things and will usually end up starting a story idea, but then scrapping it.


Plan out at the beginning. Plan the entire story. of course, change as you go, but have a basis agenda from start to finish. You’ll feel accomplished that way too!

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I agree with music and playlists for the story, I do both and I find they help me with getting words onto a page. Other than that, I would suggest possibly looking away from your current WIP and just writing down any ideas that come to you or a given amount of time. They don’t need to be connected to your story, but, once you’re done, take a look and see if any of these seemingly random ideas could actually fit into what you’re writing