I have been working on one story for well over a year now and I’m not even half way through. It’s one that I’m very excited about-- I love the characters and where I’m taking them by the end, I just have no idea how to get them there. I write a few paragraphs at a time and then drop it for months because I don’t know how to continue. I don’t want to leave it unfinished, but I don’t know how to finish it, either.
How do you all overcome writer’s block? [name_f]My[/name_f] go-to has always been work on a mini-project in the meantime to keep my creativity flowing, but then I get too wrapped up in that project to get back to the main one. Any ideas on what to do other than distract myself further?
Ok, this here’s stuff that has helped me, but I need some tips too because aaaaaaaaa sometimes words refuse to come.
I have the same problem (getting stuck b/c I don’t know what comes next). What sometimes helps me is to mentally prep myself before hand. Like if you have a vague idea about the scene, think about what events to happen (maybe the characters need to develeop a plan, or go somewhere). But sometimes I still just DON’T KNOW where the heck the story is going. Trying to write a different scene instead works part of the time.
Also, what I try to do is writing “sprints”. I sit down and set a timer for 15 minutes and type until it goes off. Sometimes it’s hard, and I stop when time’s up. But if I’m actually getting into it, I continue.
Idk. I’m a noob writer, so I’m not really qualified, but I hope this helps?
Edit: got these tips from watching Sara Lubratt and Brandon Sanderson on Youtube
Oh my goodness gracious I am having the exact same problem right now! Here’s what I like to do/have heard of that works:
If you’re showing up, which it sounds like you are, sometimes it’s best to take a break. Just step back, talk to someone about it, go on a long car ride, go for a walk, take a shower…
If you are showing up and you want to write, here’s some other ideas:
Maybe you’re scared to write what comes next. Write it even if it sucks.
Maybe you don’t know what should come next. Get a piece of paper and dump all of the possible things that could happen.
I also agree with sprints. So helpful.
Shut of all distractions. Butt in chair. Shut off the internet. Lock yourself in a concrete bunker in Siberia.
Listen to music!
I saw somewhere that you overcome writer’s block by writing. So write! If you aren’t having fun writing, write what you love! Remember why you write!
Skip to the “fun” part and fill in the “boring” stuff later.
If you write on the computer, write the next scene longhand. If you write longhand, type on the computer.
Change POVs just to see it from a different perspective.
I know this is kind of a “distraction”, but hammer out more about your characters. Fill out a profile sheet, answer questionnaires. Sometimes, and I speak from personal experience, it really helps.
Believe in yourself! You’ve got this!
I hope this helps; just throwing ideas out there!
Now I shall go write!
I agree with writing sprints, I’ll set a word limit, (ex;250 words) and a ten minute timer, and I’ll try to get it done. I also try to listen to music for inspiration, create a playlist for my characters or the story, and I’ll listen to that.
I also have trouble with writing block. So this thread is really helpful. For me what usually happens is that I get an idea for a new story, make up some characters and then don’t feel like writing the actual story. I love making up characters, their names, personality, but have a hard time starting the story. Starting the story is just really hard for me. Where do I begin? What will the first sentence be? How will I get readers hooked and how will I introduce the story? I always have trouble with these things and will usually end up starting a story idea, but then scrapping it.
Plan out at the beginning. Plan the entire story. of course, change as you go, but have a basis agenda from start to finish. You’ll feel accomplished that way too!
I agree with music and playlists for the story, I do both and I find they help me with getting words onto a page. Other than that, I would suggest possibly looking away from your current WIP and just writing down any ideas that come to you or a given amount of time. They don’t need to be connected to your story, but, once you’re done, take a look and see if any of these seemingly random ideas could actually fit into what you’re writing