How to get hired by Nameberry?

Sorry if this is a stupid question but how can you be hired by Nameberry and what qualifications do you need?


Why do you ask

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I was just interested

You don’t need any specific qualifications as far as I know. We’re a very small team and I think most of us just kind of got drawn into it through doing other name-related things, and gradually built from there.


I’m interested too!

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Hi and thanks for your interest! We are not hiring anyone right now but the people who work for us often start as an intern, assistant, or forum moderator. Forum moderator is an especially good way to get started as we always need help and your time can be flexible. It’s not a regular paid position but there are occasional bonuses. You can get to know Nameberry and the staff that way so you’ll be in closer touch if a position does open up. Please message @katinka if you’re interested. Thanks!