How to pronounce Alexei

The title says it all lol

i pronounce it like ah-lex-ee (rhyming with bee and knee)


uh-lex-ee is how I say it!


Agreed with the first two! But, I’ve also heard uh-LEX-ay. “Ay” as in “acorn.”

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i also pronounce it Uh-lex-ee

I use this pronunciation by default.I never knew the other one existed TBH

uh-lex-ee or uh-lex-ay

If you’re looking for the Russian pronunciation, it’s uh-lek-SAY, which is also my default pronunciation.


Emphasis on last sillable? I always did on second sillable like

uh-LEK-say / uh-LEX-ay

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The emphasis is definitely on the last syllable :slightly_smiling_face:

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It’s u-lyi-KSYAY in Russian. [name_u]Or[/name_u] /ɐ.lʲɪ.ˈksʲej/, if you’re inclined towards the International Phonetic Alphabet.

[name_f]My[/name_f] assumption was “al-uhk-SAY” with the emphasis on the last syllable. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I pronounce it uh-lex-ee.