This is not a name for anybody, its just a name that im curious about and just want to know your thoughts on it. I’ve seen people pronounce different ways and im wondering what the majority pronunciation for it is. Thanks
I would say Lee-SAN-drah
I switch between Lih-SAN-druh and Ly-SAN-druh (Ly pronounced like the word lie)
Lyss-sann-dra….no particular stress on many part of the name.
Second @Johannaa s pronunciation.
I would say lie-SAN-druh
I say lye-SAN-druh
I know Lis-san-druh or Lee-san-druh is probably more correct, but I say Lie-san-druh (like Lying)
I guess I’d say Lie-ZAN-dra, since I say [name_m]Lysander[/name_m] as Lie-ZAN-der (one of my top names). But I do feel more inclined to use the S pronunciation with [name_f]Lysandra[/name_f], maybe due to the [name_f]Sandra[/name_f] ending.
Lie- SAND-ruh. Like [name_m]Lysander[/name_m] but with a feminine ending.
Though I can see lee-saund-ruh or liss-saund-ruh being the more go to pronunciations outside of the name enthusiasts.