How usable is Noor?

Basically the title :sweat_smile:

Would a [name_u]Noor[/name_u] be bullied for their name? How do you / would you pronounce it?

I’m very aware that Americans have become a lot better and more comfortable pronouncing Arabic names, but would [name_f]Nour[/name_f] be easier?

I love [name_u]Noor[/name_u] and it’s definitely one of my favorite names ever, just worried about irl…

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I’ve known quite a few Noors and honestly nobody’s ever gave it a second thought. Don’t worry about it girl!

In the US, it’s likely some people will stumble on the pronounciation but it definitely would not be a problem. The letters make the same sound as [name_f]English[/name_f] words (I’m sorry if I worded that incorrectly, I was struggling to find the right way to phrase it :joy:)

I wouldn’t say that [name_u]Noor[/name_u] and [name_f]Nour[/name_f] would be any different from each other. Also [name_u]Noor[/name_u] is an underrated gem and I’m glad to see her discussed!

[name_f]Hope[/name_f] this helps!

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I can’t see much wrong with [name_u]Noor[/name_u], and it has a sweet imagery. I can picture it on a cute girl with long dark brown messy hair, who likes the colours green and purple.

I can’t really see them getting bullied (although some kids can find a reason to tease almost anything). I’d pronounce it to rhyme with door (unless I’m told otherwise). I discovered [name_u]Noor[/name_u] before I joined nameberry and to me, it has a slightly naturey, artsy feel.

I’d probably pronouce [name_f]Nour[/name_f] the same, though it doesn’t look as pretty.

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I’ve known a few Noors in the US so I think it’s totally usable! I don’t think a [name_u]Noor[/name_u] would be bullied for their name.

I do think the pronunciation might not always be clear – personally I’ve heard it pronounced multiple ways (as in, different Noors who pronounced it differently, rather than just people attempting to pronounce it) so I can see it taking correction. But I think it’s very easy to learn whichever someone prefers. [name_f]My[/name_f] default pronunciation would be “noor” (long U sound, not rhyming with door) but I’ve heard it said “nur” and “nor” as well.

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I think [name_u]Noor[/name_u] is totally usable. I’ve known a couple female Noors and a male [name_u]Noor[/name_u], and I (nor anyone else I’ve ever referenced them in conversation to) has ever batted an eyelash at their name.

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[name_u]Noor[/name_u] is lovely! I’ve met a couple and went to school with two (well, one [name_u]Noor[/name_u], one Nour), and they weren’t bullied for their names.

I have heard it said slightly differently - [name_f]Nor[/name_f] (rhyming with oar / bore), [name_u]Nur[/name_u] (kind of rhyming with sure?) - but I think it’s one that can be corrected. I say it more like [name_f]Nor[/name_f] instinctively, as that’s how the first Noor/Nour I met said it.

I like the look of [name_f]Nour[/name_f] best, but [name_u]Noor[/name_u] is distinctive and lovely too


I’ve never met a [name_u]Noor[/name_u], but can’t imagine that bullying would be a problem, I went to school with people who had much “weirder” names (misspelled word names, non-gender-neutral boy names on girls, etc) that were never bullied about it.
I haven’t heard the name spoken aloud before but pronounce it in my head like the word “nor”. Sorry if that’s not even close :smiling_face_with_tear:
The fact that it’s Arabic shouldn’t necessarily be a problem - [name_f]Layla[/name_f] is Arabic, and [name_f]Layla[/name_f] is in the top 100.

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I knew a noor! I say it’s definitely usable and sweet… I also knew a flor, I guess like shorter than flora, like floral… I thought it was definitely interesting at the time, because as a kid I assumed her name was floor, but she was from another country and honestly I think it’s cute now and nobody brought up the fact that it sounded like floor, at least not in my class, so noor is cute

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[name_u]Noor[/name_u] is lovely. I pronounce it like the final syllable of [name_f]Eleanor[/name_f].


That’s how I pronounce it as well :slight_smile:


Very usable! I’m in the US, and I’ve met several in my life. At school and as friends of friends. Never known any of them to be bullied for the name. I think [name_u]Noor[/name_u] is a perfectly doable spelling—and my fave of the two, personally.

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Echoing previous commenters – I think [name_u]Noor[/name_u] is lovely! I’ve often thought of it as an especially nice name. I prefer the [name_u]Noor[/name_u] spelling to [name_f]Nour[/name_f]

I don’t see any bullying potential in it; definitely usable!

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