How usable is Signe?

DH and I are love with [name_f]Signe[/name_f] for a girl. But we aren’t sure if it’s a good idea to use it, mainly because of the pronunciation.

We tested it out on a few relatives and friends, and most of them got it right after a while, but usually not on their first try. Are we making this too much of a big deal or is this really a problem?

What do you guys think?

For what it’s worth: We live in the [name_u]North[/name_u]-Western US and we already have a son named [name_u]Adair[/name_u].

I don’t know if this helps…but I’m in Northern NH and have absolutely no idea how to pronounce [name_f]Signe[/name_f]. My instinct would be to say it like [name_u]Sidney[/name_u], but I’m probably way off. I think it could be a very cool, unusual name, but maybe not next to the obvious and easy pronunciation of [name_u]Adair[/name_u]. I think a lot of English speakers would have a difficult time seeing [name_f]Signe[/name_f] written down and A. knowing how to say it and B. knowing if it belongs to a boy or girl. Not sure how much any of that bothers you, though :slight_smile:

I really like [name_f]Signe[/name_f] and I’d say it “sig-nee” or “seeg-neh”. The first is how I’d say it as an American at first glance. The second is if I were trying to be more correct since I think it’s a Northern European name, right?

I’m not sure if this is the case in the US, but most people here would pronounce [name_f]Signe[/name_f] as [name_m]SIG[/name_m]-nee if they saw it written down.

Out of interest, how are you pronouncing it? I understand that the pronunciation differs in Danish, Swedish and Norwegian.

Thanks for the comments, guys :wink:

We are aiming for the Norwegian/Swedish pronunciation, Seeng-ne. It is indeed slightly different from the Danish pronunciation, which is more like See-ne. We got a lot of [name_m]Sig[/name_m]-nee as well as response from our family. It’s not looking good so far :wink:

It wouldn’t be a total disaster if we decided against it. We have plenty of time and a full list left :wink:

If [name_f]Signe[/name_f] turns out to be your favourite I would go with it. Once she is introduced people will get it and you will have to politely correct people at times, but if you love the name, it will be worth it. Once they know the correct pronunciation, no problem! I knew a [name_f]Signe[/name_f] and once I heard the pronunciation, I didn’t think of any other way of saying it.

I think [name_f]Signe[/name_f] is cute, but I’ve always assumed it was [name_m]Sig[/name_m]-nee

Actually, depending on your dialect, it is pronounced both [name_m]SIG[/name_m]-neh and [name_m]SING[/name_m]-neh in Norwegian. The second one is possibly the predominant one, since it’s used by the [name_m]Oslo[/name_m] crowd, but the first one is more in keeping with the Norwegian language as a whole since the [name_m]Oslo[/name_m] dialect is more heavily influenced by Danish.
In one of the two written forms of Norwegian, [name_f]Signe[/name_f] is also a slightly archaic word that means “to bless”, so that’s a nice bonus on top of the “new victory” meaning!
If you want the [name_m]SIG[/name_m]-nee pronunciation, [name_f]Signy[/name_f] is every bit as legit :slight_smile: (and the name of my great grandmother)

While I’m not sure I can say anything about how usable she is, I would really love to see her used! I really like [name_f]Signe[/name_f]/[name_f]Signy[/name_f] as a sister for [name_u]Adair[/name_u] :slight_smile:

Thanks, everyone! :slight_smile:

I had no idea of all the difference in dialect, so thank you for sharing!

We are also really contemplating about using [name_f]Signy[/name_f], because it would be a little easier for people to pronounce…

I really like [name_f]Signe[/name_f]. Yes, you’ll have to teach people how to pronounce it, but they’ll learn!