How would you pronounce Adeline?

  • Add-uh-line
  • Add-uh-lyn
  • Add-uh-leen
  • Other

0 voters

I’d say add-uh-line

for me it’s more like ahh-deh-line

I pronounce it Add-uh-line but with an A on the end as in [name_f]Adelina[/name_f], I pronounce it Add-uh-leena.

Add-un-line is my instinctive and favourite pronunciation

Add-a-line is my instinct but add-uh-lyn is my favourite

I say Add-uh-lyn most of the time but sometimes I will say Add-uh-line - It depends on the combo and whether is is a first or a middle I think

I would guess Add-uh-line, but I think I like that one and Add-uh-leen about equally!

I know a girl whose middle name is [name_f]Adeline[/name_f] and she pronounces it add-uh-line