How would you pronounce alicia?

I’ve always really loved [name_f]Alicia[/name_f], I find her so elegant and timeless and it is a name that I hope to use in the future if I get a chance to. I’ve always pronounced it as “ah-LISS-ee-ah,” but recently I’ve heard it pronounced as “aleesha.” I did a bit of research and it seems that the “aleesha” pronunciation is much more common, but I do not like it at all.

I’d love to hear what you think! How would you instinctively pronounce it? Is it useable or would the pronunciation constantly need explained?

Thank you :smiling_face:

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I’ve only heard it uh-LEESH-uh in real life, and that’s how I would pronounce it. In an area with a larger Spanish speaking population, I could see uh-LEE-see-uh as well. Perhaps with a distinctly Spanish surname, I’d default to that, but then again I went to middle school with a girl named [name_f]Alicia[/name_f] [common Spanish surname] and she pronounced it uh-LEESH-uh so perhaps it wouldn’t matter.

I’ve never heard uh-LISS-ee-uh for this name and it would not be intuitive to me, I’m afraid.


I’ve never heard it pronounced ‘ah-LISS-ee-ah’, but I really like that! The ‘Lic’ in [name_f]Felicity[/name_f] is said that way so it makes sense to me! However, I do think people will instinctively say it either ‘aleesha’ or ‘ah-LEE-see-ah’, and it would constantly need correcting. Personally, I wouldn’t let that stop me from using it. If you love it, people will learn. :blush:

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It looks like it should be “Uh-liss-ee-uh”, but I’ve only ever heard it [name_f]Aleesha[/name_f] so would associate it that way

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[name_f]Aleesha[/name_f] or Ah-LEE-see-uh. [name_f]My[/name_f] gut would be to go with the first unless they clarify or, as someone else said, if they had a distinctly Spanish surname, I would at least mentally recognize it may be the second.

The way you want it is pretty but I think it would wind up being another player in the “is it this or this” confusion already stemming from [name_f]Alicia[/name_f].

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The [name_f]Alicia[/name_f] I know pronounces it the way you do! I don’t think she’s had much issue with it. To me it’s an intuitive pronunciation since there are so many other versions of [name_f]Aleesha[/name_f], [name_f]Alysha[/name_f] etc.

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I’m in the US and in my experience, [name_f]Alicia[/name_f] is almost always “ah-lee-sha”. But, I have known of one a-lee-see-a who had that spelling.

I would suggest an alternate spelling to get the pronunciation you prefer. I have a friend who has that middle name and spells it [name_f]Alyssia[/name_f]. I have also seen [name_f]Alecia[/name_f].

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I’m a Latina, and my entire family would pronounce this name as “Ah-LEE-see-ah”, it’s pretty close to how you like it I think! I’m not a fan of the [name_f]Alisha[/name_f] pronunciation either.

It’s one of those names like [name_f]Eva[/name_f], [name_f]Rosaline[/name_f], or [name_f]Talia[/name_f], where you might need to explain a few times, but once people know you, they should grow accustomed to it.


I would pronounce it the same as you. It might have a lot to do with where you are. [name_f]Alesha[/name_f] is a name in its own right, to my mind, and I see [name_f]Alicia[/name_f] as a frillier variant of [name_f]Alice[/name_f], hence the a-LISS-ee-a pronunciation. But it doesn’t matter how you and I pronounce it if the vast majority pronounce it the other way, so if you really dislike that I’d think again.

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I am a European and I’d pronounce it as Ah-LEE-see-ah intuitively and this is the pronunciation that I also prefer.

I know that the Swedish actress [name_f]Alicia[/name_f] Vikander had the same problem, her name would be pronounced Ah-LEE-see-ah in [name_u]Sweden[/name_u] but she gets called “aleesha” in the US all the time :blush:

Personally it wouldn’t stop me from using this name as the pronunciation can always be corrected :white_heart:

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alicia would be uh-lee-shuh instinctively, but i prefer ah-lee-see-ah or uh-lee-see-uh (like how alicia silverstone pronounces it).

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[name_f]My[/name_f] instinctive pronunciation is ah-liss-ee-uh since the first one I met used that pronunciation and then the second I encountered was in a book with the ‘ah-liss-ee-uh’ pn too! Then, I met two Ah-leesh-uhs so now I never know!

I think both pronunciations are legitimate and tbh, it’s one, on reading, that I would probably just ask

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I instinctively pronounce it uh-LEE-shuh (southeastern US here!). I’ve heard the uh-LIH-see-uh pronunciation too, and I do prefer that one but it doesn’t come as naturally to me :slight_smile:

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I wouldn’t be sure. I first encountered it as ah-LISS-ee-uh, but have since heard ah-LEE-sha more frequently. So my instinct is still the first (and I prefer it), but I’d feel the need to check.

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i hate uh LISS ee ah because i was bullied by a girl with that name, but it was spelled elysia.

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I hear ah-lee-sha more than ah-liss-ee-ah.

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I say it Uh-leesh-uh and I think that might be the more common version in the US but I think uh-lee-see-uh might be more common in parts of Europe? So depending on where you are the peonunciation might need correcting.


I pronounce it ah-lee-sha, I have heard several pronounced your way but with a variant on the spelling. [name_f]Alesia[/name_f]

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I’ve only ever known one [name_f]Alicia[/name_f], and everyone pronounced her name uh-LEESH-uh. Your pronunciation is so much prettier though!

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