How would you pronounce Cailet?

I have been saying [name]KAY[/name]-let

If that is correct, then I love this name - but I started to think there could be a few different interpretations of it?

No idea, never seen this name before :slight_smile:

First glance I would say [name]KAY[/name]-let or [name]KAY[/name]-lit.

Unfortunately it also makes me think of ‘toilet’, think it’s the particular spelling that suggests this to me.

I keep thinking of [name]Caitlyn[/name], and that is dated in my opinion so maybe I should be avoiding it

[name]Just[/name] seeing it, I would assume kah-YAY or kah-[name]LAY[/name], never LET at the end. If you want a LET sound at the end, spell it Cailette so people who mispronounce it can be blamed for stupidity.

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Hmmm that’s a really good point. Could I get away with spelling it Cailett and having it pronounced [name]KAY[/name]-lit?

I am seriously having name overload. I think I will have two daughters called ‘[name]Heidi[/name]’ and ‘insert awkward silence here:frowning:

LOL, I can just see it “This is my daughter [name]Heidi[/name], and this is my other daughter…[name]Heidi[/name]'s sister.”

I think Cailette is a bit awkward on the tongue, to be honest. Have you considered [name]Charlotte[/name] or [name]Carlotta[/name]?

I would say [name]Cal[/name]-ay and I don’t think it fits with a beautiful established name like [name]Heidi[/name]. Some others you might like as sisters to [name]Heidi[/name]:


They’re all names of child characters from literature like [name]Heidi[/name] is:)

Good [name]Luck[/name]!

  • [name]Charlie[/name]

I know it to be pronounced [name]Cal[/name]-yay or [name]Cal[/name]-ay. Not Lit or Let. I think Cailette is mroe likely to get the pronounciation you want.

I don’t pronounce the ‘T’. I say Cah-lay, though I’m not sure that gives you really how I say it. :confused:
When I say it with a first name (isn’t there a singer that uses Cailet?) it doesn’t sound bad, but it sounds awkward when I say it by itself. Sorry, but the spelling also seems unattractive to me…

Probably [name]Kal[/name]-Ee-aay or maybe [name]Kal[/name]-Ee-et

I’d pronounce the first syllable “kale” (like sail w/ a hard c sound).
the 2nd syllable would either be “et” or “ay” as others said.

I’ve never seen it before. To be honest, it seems a little made up to me; like a “creative” version of [name]Kayley[/name]. If I saw it, I would say [name]KAY[/name]-lay or kay-[name]LAY[/name]. There is a singer [name]Colby[/name] Caillat, last name prn. kal-[name]LAY[/name]. I like the sound of that much better than [name]KAY[/name]-let or [name]KAY[/name]-lay, but it still sounds like a last name to me – not a first name.

I would say call aye…not pronounce the t

My instinct is kah-[name]LAY[/name] actually because it doesn’t look English at all…

I would guess “[name]Kay[/name] let” it reminds me of Caillette which is a sausage made with minced pork/pate it’s sort of meatball like, Ive never had it so I have no idea what it taste like, I think it has spinach in it.