How would you pronounce Eia?

I would pronounce it Ee-ya and thought I was wrong haha

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If you’d have to correct most people anyway, I’d go with the proper Greek spelling. It would be simpler, and still meaningful, in the middle name spot.

On paper it looks really pretty, but if I had to read this name out loud it would definitely take me a while to figure out how to say it and I still wouldn’t be sure if I was pronouncing it correctly. [name_f]My[/name_f] guess would be eye-uh, but that “ia” is throwing me off.

Ai-uh? Like an I sound, as in “Kite” or “high”

I would say ay-a, ay rhyming with day

I’d say ee-ah at first glance but seem to be in the minority! I feel like it’s a quick easy correction and easy to remember since its such a short name! I like it all the suggested pronunciations though! :joy:

I would have assumed Eye-uh, then second guessed myself if it was pronounced Ay-uh. Ee-uh didn’t occur to me until you mentioned it.

It is such a pretty name though! I love the name [name_f]Io[/name_f] (which can be pronounced Ee-oh or Eye-oh, and the Ee-oh pronunciation is my favorite), so [name_f]Ia[/name_f] makes the most sense in spelling to me, though I do understand not wanting it to look like the word La. Oof, that’s a difficult one! I would suggest going with the classic spelling since it seems you’ll be correcting a lot either way. Good luck deciding!

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I would have guessed EYE-ah since it’s one letter away from [name_f]Eira[/name_f]. I like your idea of [name_f]Ia[/name_f] but if it’s not to you liking then it’s just trading one problem for another. I wonder if you’d be interested in spelling the name Iya. The ‘y’ sound is very soft to my ears so I imagine it would still achieve the pronunciation you’re after.

It’s true that most people will be open to learning the pronunciation. The people your daughter has regular contact with certainly will learn her name but you will need to be prepared for those initial encounters. I think you need to consider your own tolerance for correcting mispronunciations and misspellings. Is it something you don’t mind managing or something that will drive you mad.

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[name_f]My[/name_f] first guess is Ay-uh? But I could see Eye-uh or Ee-uh too. I would say medium difficult. I mean, there are only so many ways to say it, but someone unfamiliar with the name would have to guess between 3 choices.

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Eee-ya or Aye-uh I think

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I would have assumed ee-uh … I’m not sure where eye-uh could even come from, though I would believe it if it was told to me.

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Thank you! This is a spelling we hadn’t thought of but I will consider!

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I’d assume like Eija (Ay-a), until / unless corrected.

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