How would you pronounce Eia?

We love the name Eia [name_f]Elizabeth[/name_f] for a girl since we honeymooned in Oia, Greece many years ago. Trying to figure out how others would receive the name Eia. How would you pronounce it? Would it feel easy, medium, or difficult to read and say?

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It would pronounce it Eye-uh. Now you have me curious how you pronounce it.


I would say eye-ah. I think it’s difficult that it only consist of vowels but its shortness helps making it easier.


I would also say Eye-uh! Assuming I’m saying it correctly, I don’t think it’s hard to pronounce!

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I would say Ay-uh, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s eye-uh.


Instinctively I’d pronounce it ay-ah (ay rhyming with day,) but I’d very easily be corrected to a different pronounciation. Eia is beautiful!!


Id guess EE-uh and have very low confidence :joy:



But I’m Canadian


Eye-uh? Or Ay-uh?

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I’d pronounce it Ey-ah.

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AE-uh, like [name_f]Leia[/name_f]. I like it!

I’d guess EY-ah, rhyming with [name_f]Leia[/name_f]. But EYE-ah, rhyming with [name_f]Maya[/name_f], would be my second guess.

It’s simple and pretty either way, but on the basis of my own uncertainty, I’d probably rate it medium-difficult to pronounce confidently on first attempt.

How do you pronounce it?

I would say it eye-uh and then quickly guess ay-uh because I wouldn’t be convinced I said it correctly.

This one is correct! So funny you had low confidence :joy:.

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Thanks for all your input! It is EE-uh or Ee-yah. Like [name_f]Mia[/name_f] without the M. Which was the least chosen pronounciation. I don’t know that this bodes well for us. Although people seem open to learning it. Would it be easy to learn remember once told?

We could spell it [name_f]Ia[/name_f] but I don’t like how that looks because it looks like La and is a bit too short for me with just two letters. Any other ideas on how to spell it? Originally I wanted to use the Greek spelling but Oia felt overly difficult to remember since in [name_f]English[/name_f] Oi never makes the ee sound (which it does in Greek). However it looks like either way there would be a lot of correcting first attempts.

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I’d pronounce it EE-ah because of how it’s spelt like Eid

I’d say eye-uh but wouldn’t be surprised by ay-uh or ee-uh

I think maybe if you spelled it Eeia you’d be more likely to get the correct pronunciation on first try but I’m not sure


This (“eh” rhyming with “day”).
I also went to Oia on my honeymoon and love it as a name! Personally I assume that it would be a difficult enough name to wear here that I’d only use it as a middle name.

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I would have thought it was eye-uh. Considering it’s ee-uh I’d say it’s on the more difficult side pronunciation-wise (considering only one person here got it right). Unfortunately I’m not sure there’s any appealing spelling that would more clearly indicate the pronunciation you want, although the previous suggestion of Eeia is probably the best. I still think you’d have issues getting the right pronunciation though…